285 9 0

2006, April


I looked above and saw the familiar hazel brown eyes looking down at him. Her smile was always so sweet and innocent. The sky above her was clear as the sunlight streamed down, illuminating her face. Her face can be barely seen from the side as she stood, smiling.

"I'm going to get something. Wait for a while, Hwan," she said before disappearing from the side.

A few moments passed and she came back.

"Hwan, this is a gift for you," she said. "From Myodori and I."

She reached down to me and lightly put a tiny flower on my cheek. I smiled as the soft petals tickled my skin.

Then a middle-aged man walked towards us and stood beside her. They talked and made hand gestures to each other. After, they looked back at me and the man asked, "Hye-joong, why did you put socks that don't match on Hwan?"

"This is a pair," she answered. "Socks like this still exist in pair."

Hwan slowly opened his eyes, his vision adjusting to the dark. His chest felt heavy and his entire body was aching painfully. He glanced outside at the bedroom window. It was still dark. The moon shone brightly outside, faintly lighting up his room. He groaned weakly as he felt his chest ache. He slowly reached to his chest and felt warm liquid touch his fingers.

Hwan closed his eyes as he tried to recall the gentle eyes and the familiar face from his dream. He knew that she was the only one that can help him get through this excruciating pain. She always does. Every single night. And he silently thanked the heavens above for letting him remember his dreams of her.

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