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2009, June

Hwan rested his chin on his knees as he sat next to Myodori's cage. He stared at the furry creature in silence. He tried to recall his dream from last night. Every night he has these dreams of different scenes. But there was only one constant figure in all of his dreams. Her. 

Hwan couldn't help but wonder, What does she look like right now?  

He wished in the back of his mind that he would meet her, even just once. But he knew he can never. For he was stuck here. Not moving on. Even his mother is stuck in this place. Not because she can't leave, but because she wouldn't. 

"Has she really forgotten me, Myodori?" he asked at the little rabbit. But all he got was silence. 

Hwan looked above at the clear blue sky. He sighed softly. Oblivion. Maybe this was his fate after all. 

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