Technology. Good or Bad?

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 I don't post any of these for anyone to get offended, they are all just theories and not meant to harm anyone in a personal or professional way


(i made this one up, idk if anyone else ever heard this but it makes since to me.)


Something people have relied on heavily since the first smartphone, the first computer, going back to the telegraph. 

But who knows who came up with the idea for something where you can do anything, and go anywhere with.

yes apple has IPhones and Samsung has their phone (not one hundred percent sure what that may be) that they come up with. But where did the idea really come from. 

One day people where just like "Hmm I have all of these wires that I can use lets wire up this devil box and see what people do with it"

and if u have a history on your electronic, who can see it? 

The government. Duh!

and if the government can see your history, can they control you as well?

I mean social media has trends that everyone follows, can the government make up some of these trends, create these celebrities, or pay these people to create trends that control everyone's life. 

Like with Lil Miquela she could be real (she says she is) she could be fake, she could be a computer animation being used to sponsor different products which is cheaper than just paying  and actual person.

Social media is everywhere.

Think about it.

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and comment if you have anymore theories

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