another Lilly

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Lilly's pov~

I collapsed onto the floor once again. I covered my face with my hands. I wept. I wept and wept until I had no more tears left to cry.
Gumi looked at me with pitiful eyes. Suddenly the door was opened. A women with a permnent glare on her face walked in.  Gumi said nothing only glared at the women . She took one look at my weeping form and said loudly "pathetic." she looked at me and Gumi in disgust. "Stupid brat."
"Get up!" She yelled at me. I tried to stand but I couldn't. Gumi attempted to help me. But the woman hit her across the face. Gumi tentively touched her face. The women screamed at Gumi. "DON'T HELP HER OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!!"

She turned to me. "Get up!!!" She yelled at me. I slowly pulled myself off of the ground only to recieve a blow to my stomach. Causing me to fall onto my back. The women stepped onto my stomach. "Get up faster" she said with a smirk.

I once again tried to get up but she kicked me in the face. "ARE YOU DEAF I SAID GET UP YOU DUMB BITCH!!!" She screamed at me. More tears streamed down my face. "Aww is the dumb brat crying." She said in a sickenly sweet voice. The pain from fallimg and her blows made it harder to move.

Than one of the men at the door said. "Go play with her later for now put her and the mutt in the room with the other freaks." He said. The women rolled her eyes and pulled me up by my bruised arm. She made sure to put as much pressure on my arm as possible when she grabbed me.

"Time to go, follow me." She ordered. The men grabbed me and Gumi and dragged us to another room. They opened the door and pushed us in. The door shut as soon as we were inside.

I saw a beautiful girl with long blonde hair. She seemed normal at first until I noticed the long sharp blade like claws and fangs she had. She also had two cat ears ontop of her head.

The girl opened her mouth and spoke her voice as cold as ice. "Gumi who is this girl?" She asked. Gumi pointed at me and said. "Lilly meet Lilly!" She said chuckiling.
The girl raised an eyebrow and sighed. "Another one huh. We should call her something else so it doesn't get confusing." She said.

Gumi turned to me and smiled. "how about Lil since your little and your name is Lilly!" I nodded. I guess it was okey at least she didn't come up with something to stupid.

Lilly smiled sadly at me and said "do you know why you're here?" Gumi nodded her head saying "yes I told her." Lilly sighed again. "Well we only have about seven minutes so lets make the most of it!" She said with a small smile.

"So Lil we don't really know that much about you and you don't about us sooo... lets get to know eachover!" She said. "Um my favourite colour is purple. I really like playing with animals especially cats and puppies!!" I said.
Gumi smiled at me and said "my favourite colour is green I really like wolfs because they are cool and I am part wolf... I like hanging out with my buddies here!!!" She said. Lilly turned to me and said "umm my favourite color is blue. I really like dangos, ramen and being with my friends!" She said.

Than the same women and men from before opened the door and dragged us back to our cells. I held Gumi's hand. Luckily the women didn't notice. When we reached our cell the women shoved us in and kicked me in the back. I landed on my stomach. The women than walked out of the room. The door was sealed.

I hugged Gumi. At least I had friends... I cried myself to sleep. Mummy why didn't you save me? Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong? Mummy please help me!!!

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