Chapter 1

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You went home on your bike, was a long ride home. You arrive at your house, you put your bike in the bag and unlock your door. You entered into your living room and plopped down on the comfy couch.

You remember about your life title Ralts and decide to let her out of her Master ball, you let her out. She looked kind of humanoid... She had hair covering the eyes with two spiked sticking from the head one at the back and one at the front. She was adorable when she stumbled around the house, you chuckle.

You started pondering if she was hungry. You go out side into your garden which was huge, it should have some Razzberry bushes here...

You look around and you notice that the Ralts is following you. At last you find some bushes and pick some Razzberies off the bush. You turn around to see your Ralts drooling at the sight of the juicy fruits, you go closer to her and offer her the Razzberies. Without hesitation the hungry Pokemon stuffs the berries in its mouth. She has really big cheeks now and she covers her mouth trying to keep all the juices and berries in her mouth. She makes you chuckle once more... You finally decide a name for her...


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