Chapter 6

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You prepared for your mini camping trip. Avaria looked at you smiling warmly, you pick here up and hug her tightly. You felt happy around her, you put her down and sit down you self watching the beautiful sunset...

Later you both fell asleep since you were tired. You covered Avaria with your hand in protection so no one could get her or hurt her...


You wake up, very surprised! Your little Ralts involved into a Kirlia (I dont remember sorry D:) she looked at you and you at her. You both were amazed she evolved so quickly...
For her celebration you decided to take her into the wild. She was super excited to have the trip, and it made you happy.
You take the bike out of your bag (ka-ching xanderchan u know this ref) and you tell Avaria "Sit on the back part of the bike." She nodded and followed the instructions. You both settled in and went on the bike ride.
After a few minutes of pedaling you reach a small forest. You get of the bike and you pick Avaria of the bike and put her down you take the bike and put it back into your bag. You take Avaria's hand and walk into the forest.

(Sorry for kinda ending on a cliff hanger but I have to go to bed now Bai)

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