Chapter 7

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[In the Forest]

You two happily skipped in the forest while admiring its natural beauty. As you walked you reached a patches of tall grass areas and decided to go in them searching for Pokemon to catch.

As you rummaged through the grass with Avaria until...
An Eevee has blocked your path!
You were caught off guard as you flinched at the sight or the brown fluff ball.
"Avaria I choose you!" You shouted (lmao) and you did a weird hand movement, Avaria as always, followed your instructions and got into a fighting stance she was so ready.
(Insert one of Kirlias moves cuz idk andyoumightaskwhyimwritingathingaboutathingidontknowhelpme) she did the move perfectly and had inflicted the damage to drain the Eevee just to the right amount of health to catch her! You throw a poke ball (yeah I'm looking at the person who said I can't use a master ball) and Eevee popped right into it she didn't fight it.

Well done you caught an Eevee.


1-Congratulate Kirlia and pet her
2-You hit her
3-You do nothing

Yup now we have we choices ass Zizz Zizz have fun bois this will make it more interactive :)

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