Chapter 10

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(cOUGH yas  mother has arrived)

(Y/n) P.O.V

You walk around in the cold dark forest, you have been for days. The cold wind hits you already frozen face, you squirm at the temperature of everything. Anywhere you went it was cold...

Suddenly you feel something slither onto your leg, you brush it off
"Probably just grass..." You muttered.
After a while you could feel the grip on your leg get tighter you look down, your eyes widen in horror, your legs where covered with black ooze, eating away at the skin, flesh and the finally, bone. You try to scream but nothing comes out, you can't scream, you'll never scream.

You wake up panting
"What the hell was that!?" You whisper yell at yourself. You look out of the window, the moon was up shining in the cool air. Suddenly you see a small white speck, dancing in the air, was it snow?
You shake your head and go back to sleep...

[Time skip brought to you by black ooze]

You wake up, feeling refreshed as you yawn the colourful birds chirped as the sun shined but it was whiter than usual,there was snow!

Pls no I'm literally writing this at 23:01 and French is tommorow ;-; well lolol have fun

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