Chapter Two: Malls, Balls, And Free For Alls

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Chapter Two: "Malls, Balls, And Free For Alls."

I GUESS you could say that the week wasn't my best.

Stacy got an unfriendly confrontation by Lacey and Johnny, so she's backed off since Tuesday. I had to beg Justin to stay out of it, since I knew that he probably would be the meanest out of them all. Yes, he wouldn't hit a girl, no matter how much or how badly he wanted to, but he'd get someone to do it.

The boys' football team have their first game of the season tomorrow, so that means that Homecoming is tomorrow night as well. You could only guess what that means too, can't you?

Yes, that is right. I have to go shopping.

Don't get me wrong, I'll shop if I want to and I have to, but else wise, I couldn't care less about strolling around stores for hours. Going to the mall to shop for something dressy is not my idea of a fun spree. I'll only wear formal attire when necessary, and usually I don't fight against it, since I get to look my best and have a positive thought on how my body is.

So, you can only guess how enthralled I was when Lacey and Jody, one of our other friends, said we were going out to buy dresses for the date.

Now, the day is over and I'm sat on the bus beside Justin as we get driven home. It's Thursday, and my mother still hasn't come home from her business meeting. I'm assuming she'll be home late tonight or sometime tomorrow, but I'm not worried about it. Dad sent a few hundred dollars in my account last night once he called and asked if she came home yet. He isn't allowed to use his phone on the flight, so he tries to get in contact with me whenever he's landed somewhere. That being said, it is why I thank him for making my phone have international calling and texting so it wouldn't make my bill spike up to a thousand dollars.

"You really didn't have to ride home with me. Coach said that all members had to be at tonight's practice to prep for tomorrow." I begin to my best friend, who currently slaps my arm and gives me an 'are you crazy' look.

"I told you, I want to. Coach can deal with it." He reassures me, and pats my leg and stares out the window.


"J–Lo, seriously, stop worrying," Justin interrupts, "don't worry about it. He'll let me off."

"Okay, fine."

About ten minutes later, the bus stops at my house and Justin and I both get off. Our bus driver knows that he gets off at my stop instead of his own, so she lets it slide. There's odd days where we get off separately, but that isn't often. I follow off the bus behind Justin, and step in line with his speed walking. I'm not all that short, standing at around 5'4, but I have little legs so I walk slower than he does. He knows this, but of course he ignores my protests and continues speeding down the sidewalk like Lightning McQueen on foot instead of wheels.

I finally catch up to him as we step on my property, and I fiddle around my bag for my house key. I find it in between two binders, and put it in the lock and step inside. I toss my bag on my bed once we get upstairs, and take off some layers from the heat. It may only be September, but it's still July weather outside and I picked a bad day to wear jeans and a hoodie.

"So, what are your evening plans tonight?" I ask him as he collapses on my bed and flicks on my TV.

"Hanging out with you." He shrugs, "The usual."

"So you want to go dress shopping?" I question with raised eyebrows and head to my bathroom to brush my knotted hair.

"Wait, what?" Justin says in shock. "We're not going dress shopping!"

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