"If you dont let go you'll finally know how it feels like to die"

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A/n hey guys it's me Kitty ❤️ and I decided to write a book that's sort of like a romcom as I'm pretty funny ;)

yea I have been reading a lot of these types of books where the good girl or new girl falls for the bad boy

I'm seriously in love with the idea. So it's going to be based out of that but I'm adding my own little twist and plot too it ❤️❤️

Okay I'll let you read byeeee❤️

Summers Pov

I wake up to a strong scent that smells absolutely delicious. I look around my new room and see that I really need to unpack.

My eyes land on my mirror and I look at myself through the reflection.

I scream so loud that aliens from mars can hear me!!!! A brunette girl opens the door with a cooking pan in her hand and a phone in the other.

She looks around my room worried as if there was a murder. Of course if their was one he or she would be dead by now knowing my brunette friend!

"Why did you scream"she growls at me knowing no ones in my room. I laugh at her and get out of bed. I point to my hair.

My hair is a mess. Different pieces of hair are standing out and a big lump of it, is in a tight knot.

She drops the pan and phone and falls to the ground laughing. She hold her stomach and kicks the air.

How nice she is.....

"Stop laughing okay at least I'm not coming into your room with a pan in my hand looking like I'm going to kill someone"I snap. She then stops laughing and her cheeks go red.

She shakes her head and walks out of my room as she just saw someone naked. I laugh quietly to myself and I sprint towards the bathroom.


I walk into the kitchen wearing some skinny ripped jeans and a black tank top that can almost show my belly, also with a denim jacket.

"What's for breakfast tomix"I ask my brunette friend. She rolls her eyes and puts a plate with eggs and bacon on top of it.

"I told you call me T-o-m-I-k-a"she says slowly for me to understand. I giggle and eat a piece of bacon. I shake my head.

"And I told you to call me S-U-M-M-E-R"I say mocking her. She rolls her eyes and we both end up laughing.

"Hurry up and finish your food we're going to be late to school and I don't intend getting lost when first period already started"she yells at me and hangs her book bag over one of her shoulder.

I eat my final egg and I walk towards the door where my book bag is. I put it on and wink at her while I take the car keys. She groans and chases me out the door.


"Wow this school is huge how are we going to find our classes now"I yell in frustration. Tomika shrugs her shoulders and closes the car door.

I look around the parking lot to see a couple making out on top of a car. Jeez Louis do they not know what pda is?

My eyes wander to the several students that are surrounding two boys. Sorry let me rephrase that , about fifteen girls are surround two "cute" guys. They're literally trying to pounce on them like if they were their prey. Although the boys didn't seem to mind, they actually seem to like the attention.

"Ugh look at those boys I bet they slept with half of the school already" Tomika says and rolls her eyes. I shrug and nod my head.

They probably did.

"Whatever let's go try to find out class"I say dragging her inside the school.


"1234,1235,1236 aha 1237"I say in excitement. I skip towards to my locker but was soon cut off by the same boy I saw in the parking lot.

"Hey your new right"he says in a husky voice. Danm he may be a dickhead but he sure is hot. I shake away my thoughts and I try to walk past him but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

"If you don't let go your going to know how it feels to die"I warn him. I furrow my eyebrows and glare at him. He only smirks at me. In the corner of my eye I see Tomika having the same problem only she is cursing at him.

"Ahhh feisty aren't we"he says and tightens his grip. That's it this guy is crossing the line!!! I kick him where does sun doesn't shine and slap him hard.

"Get out of my way you asshole"Tomika screams and punches the guy with her free hand, causing him to fall down. I smile at my fearless friend.

I walk over him to my locker that fortunately is right next to Tomika's locker. I open my locker and place in my jacket. I shut the locker and turn around too see the two "bad boys".

"You girls are different aren't you"the green eyes one says. I glare at the two boys, they're getting on my nerves!!!

I look at Tomika and see that she's really close to punching them. I sigh.... Wait that's it.

I put on my best flirtatious smile and I walk closer to the green eyes boy. He smirks at me and whispers something to his friend.

"Is different a bad thing cutie"I wink at him and place my hands on his shoulders. I look at Tomika and wink at her trying to show her what I'm doing. She smirks and nods and gets closer to the Asian boy.

"No it's not hot stuff"he says and pulls me closer towards him. I look into his eyes and damn he has pretty eyes....!!! I go on my tiptoes and I lean in.

"That's good"I whisper and he leans In. Our lips brushed but before we got any further I slapped him. He was taken back and he held his hand to his cheek.


I look to my side and see The Asian boy holding his stomach and Tomika laughing at him.

"Sorry but we're not your typical girls, sure you might be cute but your definitely not that smart"Tomika says to the Asian boy. I laugh at them but soon put my attention to the bad boy in front of me.

"Bye"I say and walk away with Tomika.

A/n hope you guys enjoyed it XD and don't worry more nice things would happen between the four !! ❤️❤️ okay that's all thanks for reading byeee ❤️

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