She was right, we are enemies

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Summers Pov

I barged into my house my hands into a fist. I walked up the stairs not even bothering closing the door.

I can't like Freddy.

I lock myself In my room and collapse on my bed. This can't be happening.

You know how in the stories they say "follow your heart".Yea well screw that shit I ain't following my heart.

I don't like Freddy. He's my enemy. He's a player. I just can't like him. If I do he'll just break my heart.

I don't want my heart to be broken again.

Not again...


Tomika's Pov

I close the my front door and head to my room.

Maybe summer is wrong. Maybe Zach will change his player ways. Maybe he'll like me I like him.

My mind says no but my heart says yes.
Or do I even know what I want?

Love  is so confusing. That's why I always kept myself closed. I didn't let any boy in. I don't want my heart broken. I don't want to love someone.

I'm too scared too.

~~~~~~~~~the next morning~~~~~~~~~~~~

I tossed an apple in the air but it falls behind me.

What the hell?

I turn around and see Summer taking a bite out  of my apple.

"Oh I'm sorry was this yours" she says trying to keep a straight face.

I giggle.

"Yes but you an have it I'll just have a banana"I tell her and grab a banana. She nods her head and heads out the door.

"I'm driving today" she yells.


Im walking into class super early today.

I wanted to be the first one here you know just so I can have a little peace before class starts.

I walk into class and see lance sucking some girls face off.

I thought he was different.

"Ahem. This isn't a make out spot it's a place where you learn math"I say catching their attention.

Zach turns around and sees me. His eyes filled with guilt.

No one Tomika, Not even him.

"Tomika I o-" I cut him off. "No it's totally fine, just make out with me and then make out with someone the next day, it's okay though, I mean we aren't even dating"I walk out of the class tears threatening to come out,

Summer was right, we are enemies.

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