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Tomika's Pov

What the heck???

"What the hell Louis why did you scare me?"I ask him. He scratches the back of his neck and  mumbles something.

"Sorry just want to I guess?" He says slightly scared. I mean he should be I can literally knock him out.

"Yea well whatever, gotta go bye Louis"I wave off. He nods his head and I leave him at my locker taking to himself.

That boy is weird.


"Oh come on Summer let's just go to the skatepark" I whine and put on my shoes.

"Fine but after I want ice cream" she smiles and puts on her jacket.

And we're off.


Summer and I walk to the skatepark and see the two idiots. Me and Summer glance at each other, then we both shake our heads. I put my skateboard on the ground and I put my left foot on it and rode off.

Although questions were all I can think about.

Zach is bad right?
I mean why would he take interest in me?
Why would he even like me!?
Ahhh snap out of it Tomika he doesn't like you and the only reason he talks to you is because he wants to get laid.
Ughhhh why can't boys be simple??
Wait why am I even thinking about this I don't even like Zach, or do I?

"Tomix watch out" Summer screams at me before I black out.


Summers Pov

I run towards Tomika with my skateboard in hand. I told her to watch out but I guess I was too late. Oh please be alright Tomika.

I look at Tomika and see she has a few bruises and she defiantly is unconscious.

"What happened here"somebody says. I turn around and see Zach and Freddy standing there with a worried look.

I shake my head and I sit besides my brunette friend.

"Come on let's take her too my house, I can help her there"Zach says carrying Tomika bridal style. I just nod my head and follow them.

They better not be planning anything.

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