Holy shitzu

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Summers Pov

I sit in back seat with Tomika's head laying on my lap. Zach was currently driving us in his car to his house. I'm actually surprised there not leaving me out in the road and just drive off without me. Holy shitzu will I be mad if that happened.

"We're here" Freddy says snapping me out of my thoughts. Zach opens the car door beside me and helps get Tomika off me.

He carries her inside the house and I sort of stay behind. What you never know what they could have in there. For all I know they could have a stripper pole in their living room and they pay some girls to dance.?!

I slowly walk inside the house and see that everything looks..... normal?!

I close the door behind me and sit on the couch where Freddy and Zach are taking care of Tomika.

"Here your a bookworm right? Read this in the mean time I cure Tomika"Zach says throwing me a book. I catch the book and shrug and sit on the chair.

The Outsiders.

Oh I read this book before and I'm in love with it!!!!!! I mean i did see the movie and read the book as well. Also Sodapop is HOT!! Like seriously I would totally date him. Ponyboy is soooooo sweet I would also date him as well. Also Dally looks pretty cute and I like the bad boy type so I would date him also. Although I did cry twice during the movie and the book when both Jonny and Dally died. I mean it was so sad.(a/n should I make a Outsiders Ff?)

"Hey Summer? Tomika is starting to wake up"Freddy says looking at me. I nod my head and place the book on the chair.

Hopefully they didn't do anything wrong.


Hey guys check out blissfulxpotato new book called the thinning ❤️❤️

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