CH/3 Nowhere to Hide

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"The haunting is happening." Sabrina mumbled to herself. "I knew we shouldn't have came here!" The ghost looked like a little girl. But when she gets mad- oh we don't want to go there. Let's just say...she creeps her out. "You're the one I'm looking for. Sabrina...Sabrina...Sabrina..." The ghost moaned. "Blogiglogipogi!" Sabrina heard GG Kay scream in her sleep. Her heart was beating in stacado beats and she was breathing very heavily. Sabrina tried to open the door but it was locked- from the outside! "Help! GG Kay Help!" Sabrina screamed. "The attic." She whispered. The guest room had stairs that lead up to the attic. When Sabrina was younger, she and her cousins used to use the attic as a secret hide out. She raced up the stairs. The ghost followed. The attic was dark- very dark. The door closed. But to Sabrina's surprise, there was not a single fan or anything that could blow the door shut. She stared in horror as the ghostly spirit inched closer and closer to her.

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