CH/12 A Place to Stay

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A cabin! A cabin! They saw a cabin! They hurried up to the front steps and knocked on the door, hoping to drink lots of water. Suddenly the door flew open. They thought it was fine so they walked inside. Sabrina felt something bubbly in her stomach. She walked a few steps and then looked behind her. She saw mom. Sabrina must've walked through her. But how could she? that can't be. "Hazel, wait up!" Sabrina yelled. She caught up. "It's dark...and I saw my mom! Maybe she can help us" Sabrina said. Hazel turned on her flashlight. Hazel looked over to where Sabrina saw her mom. She was gone. They heard a scream. "Ahhhh! Help!" "We have to help her." Sabrina said. "No." Hazel said. "We have to get out of here!" "Fine." Sabrina said. "Let's find the door." They searched and searched but they were walking in circles! "I guess we have to go upstairs."

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