CH/11 Meeting Hazel

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"I can't help you. Sorry. But I can be your friend." Said the girl. "My name is  Hazel." "Okay? My name's Sabrina." Sabrina answered in fright. "What's wrong?" Hazel asked. "I'm running from a ghost named Morgan and some animals from the creepy woods." Sabrina said in disbelief. "Kinda like me. I'm running away from the faceless man." Hazel said. "Who's the faceless man?" Sabrina asked. He's my enemy, and he can teleport." Hazel answered. "Oh-no. That's bad." "Aahhhhh" screamed a scream in the distance. "Follow that scream!" Sabrina yelled. "Oh-no! The faceless man!" Hazel warned. "Duck!" The faceless man threw a rock at Sabrina. It hit her on her shoulder. "Follow me." Hazel said. "Let's go." They traveled all over the Desert searching for a place to stay. Finally, after walking and walking they saw...

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