Today I...

9 2 1

Bacon: One of our dogs
Father: Grandpa aka My mom's Dad
Ma: Grandma, wife of Father
Dad: Mom's wife
Mom: Mom... Duh
Me: D
10 year old Bro: E
Even younger Bro: A
Older sister: Tiana


Well to start off,  Father died in late May and my Mom hasn't exactly been feeling the greatest so she and I went to Ma's store which was only run by Ma and my mom. While we were there Ma let me be "assistant manager" for a while.

When I saw some women coming in I ran to the back and when I saw Ma and Mom I yelled, " EARTHLINGS"  since I didn't know if they knew how to speak English or not. My mom went to go help the ladies and it turned out they were actually good friends coming to drop off some clothes for us to sell.

So then I went back to being assistant manager and Ma and Mom came to the front of the store and helped.

After a while of feeling useless, I saw a clip on tie and I clipped it onto my Hello Kitty shirt (not exactly someone my age would wear but I have my own weird style).

My mom noticed and said, "How come you're wearing a tie?"

"I work now, I have to dress for the job," I said jokingly. Mom chuckled and showed Ma while telling her something in Spanish.

"A Hello Kitty shirt and a tie, eh? I've got to say you do look pretty professional," Mom said.

My mom and I left to see Father after some ladies who were shopping for a long time decided to actually BUY something.

When we got to the cemetery and saw Father's grave along with a little patch of dry grass Mom said, " Hmm. His grass is looking kind of sad compared to the others'... Pretty sad... Very sad. Let's go look in the car for some water bottles. "

We got three water bottles and filled them up with water with the hose that doesn't reach Father's patch of grass and watered the sad grass. After a while with him, we tried to leave. Three times...

Let me explain.

We drove down a road and it turned out there was a gate at the end of the road that was closed. When we realized it we reversed for at least 3 minutes and laughed the whole time.

We went down the road that was a section away from the other road. And guess what? We got stuck again and laughed even harder while reversing again.

Then we went down another road that was in the middle of the cemetery and while we were half way down the road I said,

"Uh, Mom?"


"...There's another gate at the end of the road"

"Oh my God..."

" WE'RE SURROUNDED BY DEAD PEOPLE AND CAN'T ESCAPE" Then we laughed so hard we cried.

We went to the store and bought the peaches that if ice cream and candy had a child who was going on a diet, was them.

When we got home, we put our dogs that had been barking at the neighbors in the kennel in the backyard that had finally been cleared of cacti.

When they were all in, we walked toward the front yard and when we were about to go inside we saw Bacon come from their other exit from the backyard. Then all the puppies slowly started coming towards the front as Mom cursed because they knew how to escape.

When we went to our other kennel to see if could put them in there I saw a tiny animal-looking body that looked dead next to my foot. As soon as I saw it I screamed and started running.

Mom yelled, "Hey, what happe-AHH!"

I guess she saw it.

Mom was right next to me when she said, "I think it was a possum and I'm pretty sure it's not playing dead."

" Yeah, that scared the life out of me but at least my scream was sort of manly. "

"HEY, you left me behind!" Mom remembered.

"I was going to tell you after I finished running," I said sheepishly.

Mom chuckled and we went inside.


^^^name the stars whoever/if someone is reading this

Well that was today. This is the first thing I'm actually publishing because I usually read books instead of write them.

Peace out Potatoes<3

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