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Okay, how come in basically every wattpad book I've read, someone, *cough cough* usually the main character *cough cough*, ends up being pinned up against the wall? I mean, I've read books where it happens at least ten times in the same chapter and somehow, they don't end up with any head injuries. , I don'-why-how is this even physically possible? Wouldn't that guy's arms get tired of doing that after a while?

I've read it so many times that I'm starting to wonder when this is going to happen in real life. Not joking, I've never seen this happen even once in real life and that's that my dad got in loads of fights before.

It just puzzles me how this pops up in so many books, yet I've never, at any point, seen this actually happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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