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Hullo there.

So I had Homecoming on Friday and it was...okay I guess.

I was hanging out with one of my guy friends the most though because he had chips and he brought me food. Everyone thought we were dating and I'm was getting pretty annoyed because I can't just talk to the opposite gender for a long time unless people think we're dating.

It was funny though because the only time I actually danced was when me and the kid I was talking about were meaningful a Mexican song and tried to shimmy our way to the backpacks. It went like this:
*puts arms around each other and danced like everyone else is*

Me: Okay, when we get close to the backpacks, you hide the chips in your jacket and I'll run back to the bleachers and save each other a spot, got it?
Jay(fake name): Yeah, gotta be quick
Me: We're getting close- MISSION FATTY IS A GO IN 3..2..1- GO!GO!GO!GO!!
Jay: *runs to the chips like it's his destiny*
Me: *runs to the bleachers*
Jay: *slowly walks back while acting cool*
*spends next 10 minutes eating chips while people look at them strangely*

You know what the best part of the whole dance? The fact that I had no money yet I still came home looking like a hippo. That's why I love my friends, they all shared food with me.

Ha ha... Oops?

I forgot to publish this uh...One two...


Well... Better late than never!

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