Dml(Duck my life)

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So... Hell started this past week.

Let's start from the beginning...Monday

On Monday, it was my first day of school and it didn't start of so well. My mom insulted me for saying "I didn't know" because I was not aware of a plan she had made because she had not told me about it. Like, if you're gonna get mad at me please let me know why I am getting hysterically yelled and insulted at. Also, not exactly a great way to put some pep in my step.

After an awkward drive in which my mom realized she was wrong (you could tell by the look on her face) but she was too embarrassed to admit it, I finally arrived at prison with my burger backpack.

I got my schedule in my advisory class but when I read it I noticed that my schedule was COMPLETELY wrong. My electives and core classes were messed up. So the rest of the day was spent with people thinking I didn't know basic things. Oh and you have no idea how furious I was.

Oh yeah, I went to go pick up my football gear after school and all the guys were freaking out that a girl was playing football... All they said was, " Oh my god, *le gasp* there's a girl!" "Won't she get hurt?" "BLah Blah blah girl" "Hey, you're playing football?"

I was pretty annoyed since that's all they kept asking me. It gets quiet annoying after a while of hearing the same question being asked over and over... They don't seem to pick that up though.

Summary of what happened rest of week:

Schedule got fixed, had football practice for TWO teams in the same day twice, great grandmas (both of them) weren't doing so well.


Today, (I'm skipping this week), well... last night I had this weird dream...

So there is this kid in half of my classes and play football with, itse important to remember that, who I am acquaintances with (I don't hate his guts but we just don't talk to each other) and he was the only one in the dream besides me.

The dream goes:
*we are both wearing our football gear and helmets while sitting on a bench*

Me: Hey!
*awkward silence*
Him:*leans in*
Me:*looks at him curiously*
Him:*leans in closer...and closer*
*bumps facemask against mine*
Him:*jolts back suddenly remembering we are wearing helmets*
Me:*giggles and bumps facemask against his*
Him:*does it back*
Both: *bursts into a fit of giggles*

Random Narrator Voice: Still a better love story than Twilight...

End dream.

That was pretty weird for me since all I dream about is me being on roller coasters or not dreaming at all. And a teammate? Really brain! I mean, I understand girls and short guys ( they're cute) but a teammate?!?! And to kiss them?!?! BLEH! Well kissing anyone is gross, BUT IT'S STILL BLEH ANYWAYS!

Speaking of short guys, my best friend likes me in a different way I do but I know it would be awkward to date at my age. So... It was awkward to say I don't like him in that way.


One week later.

It's Saturday and I'm sore and tired. And I can barely talk.

This week I exercised more than I've ever done in any month. Yesterday was pretty fun because we got to do forward rolls though. And at least we're gonna start going into the weight room soon.

My arms and core are sore. Like, when I try to sit up it feels like someone punched me in the stomach:(

*sobs* All I want to do is sleep and read all day.

Adios Amigos

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