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When Sang had made the choice to pack a bag and go to the house down the street, it wasn't something she had thought through. She only wanted one night of freedom....a night to be away from the house she felt was a prison.

She wanted to see something besides her house and the trees in the back yard. Sang wanted to prove her mother wrong, that going out wouldn't end up killing her like she said it would.

Though, if she knew that packing her bag early would lead her to a punishment that would end up running away...she would have never packed the bag.

Sang had thought her mother was passed out, but no. Her sister, Marie, saw her and told her mother...and that is how she ended up almost dead.

Sang had laid on the floor for hours barely continuous to the world. She could still hear the words her mother yelled at her.

'Not my child.'

'I should have thrown you out the minute I found out what your Father did."

'Useless whore. "

"If you want to leave that bad...leave but never come back'

Sang did leave...and that is how she was in the house she had intended to go to in the first place. She was huddled in one of the rooms. Tears in her eyes as she took shallow breaths. Her body still had blood on it, but most of it was washed away in the light drizzle of rain that was still falling from the night sky.

Now that she was in the house though, Sang didn't know what to do. She had nowhere to go now. She left that house and she wasn't going to go back.

If she went back she had a feeling her mother would end up killing her.

"What am I going to do..." Sang whispered into the empty house. She received no answer though....only the should of the rain hitting the house.

Taking a deep breath Sang licked her dry lips and wished she had thought to pack more water. She had used half the water to clean her wounds and one of her old shirts to wrap said wounds. She knew she couldn't stay at this house much longer. She needed to get farther away, somewhere closer to the city. Sang knew if she stayed at this house longer than necessary she could get caught and that could end up with her being back with her mother.

...That is something Sang wasn't' going to let happen.

First, she needed to rest her body than she could head out and find somewhere. She needed to be resourceful. She would have to see if somewhere would hire her for a job, she would need food. The weather was nice enough she could still sleep outside unless it rained like it was now. She could sleep in a tree or maybe a park.

Ideas went through her head as she tried to think of what she was going to do. This was a situation she never thought she would be in. She needed to make sure the police didn't catch her, so finding a job might be hard...especially if her parents put out a missing person. Sang would definitely have to be careful.

Taking a deep breath she rubbed her burning eyes and glanced out the window. The rain was letting up some but not by much. She hoped it stopped before morning. She didn't have any money on her so she couldn't find a bus to take into the city....meaning a long day of walking for her. It had to be alt east five or so miles to get out of the area where her parents had picked to live.

That is why they had picked it in the first place.

Blowing a puff of air out of her lips she blew some of her bangs out of her face, she really wished she had thought to pack more into her bag. She would love to have a towel right now. Her fingers gently ran her hand over her damp hair. It was starting to dry already.... one less thing to worry about. She didn't need to get sick on her first night.

'First thing tomorrow I need to find a place where I am going to stay...and food.' Sang thought to herself as she felt her stomach growl. She had a couple gondola bars and packs of crackers in her bag but she needed them to last. She didn't know how long until she could get money to get food.

Sang closed her eyes her mind trying to come up with a list of what else she needed to do tomorrow. She had probably made twenty different lists before her mind finally shut down and she fell into a restless sleep.

' Tomorrow would be better...' Sang thought to herself as she slowly drifted into slumber, 'Tomorrow I can start a new life...'

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