War Torn

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"Could you, um, maybe close your eyes or something?"

Sakura rolled her eyes, once again twirling her hair on her index finger. "Oh, come on. It's been three weeks, why are you suddenly afraid of changing your clothes? I've watched it tons of times and you didn't seem at all embarrassed. I've seen everything, honey."

"Just close your eyes!"

"You can close your eyes instead, you never know, maybe I'll want to peak or something." The teasing was obvious in her voice but Madara blushed regardless. "I'm basically looking through your eyes. Anything you see, I see. If you close your eyes, everything goes dark for me."

Madara closed him eyes as he kicked off the boxers he had slept in an put some pants on. He opened his eyes, his confidence returning, and flexed in her mirror, his shirt still on the bed. His chiseled muscles rippled as he changed positions, still flexing. "You like what you see, Sakura?"

"Eh, I've seen better."

Madara huffed and put on his shirt. He tossed his sheets into what could sorta represent making his bed, and went down the stairs of his house.

He stepped into the kitchen, "Morning–" He was stopped short as an explosion rocked the ground. His mother let out a short sequel, as she dropped the wooden bowl she was holding, it clattering loudly on the floor. Madara was out of the door in the blink of an eye and bolted towards the scene of the explosion. A fight had broken out between the black haired Uchiha and the brunette Senju.

Sakura's eyes hardened at the sight of blood spilt in battle. "Go. Don't worry, I'll help." Madara, as he was told, leaped into the fray. "Behind you!" Madara whipped around to counter an oncoming attack, Sakura used her own focus to sense what Madara didn't pay attention to. "To the left. Nine o'clock. Turn a little right. Five o'clock! Oh, that one's gonna be a tough one, watch out!" Before long most of the Uchiha were badly bruised and bleeding, but Madara had escaped the battle with only a few scratches on his knuckles from punching too hard. This Senju retreated into the protection of the forest.

"Thanks, Sakura."

"No problemo, buddy."

The rest of the day was filled with cleaning up the damage from the explosion, and helping the wounded. Sakura ached to heal them. When all was done Madara went back to his home, finally eating something. Then he went to bed, his muscles sore and his joints creaking. "I hate war." He told Sakura, just as he often did when something similar happened. But it was somehow different this time around. "When I'm older and stronger, I will find peace, no matter the cost. I'll make it so that everything is perfect, with no evil." 

Ah, there it is, Sakura thought to herself. "Madara. There cannot be a shadow without a sun, nor a sun without a shadow. There can never be good without evil or evil with our good. You have to understand this Madara."

"But why?"

"I don't know."

"So what should I do?"

"Try your best. Don't be clouded by your emotions, but at the same time follow your heart. I can't tell you anything past that, but I know from experience that you should always do your best."

Madara let out a rattling sigh. "I just want to help people..."

Sakura perked up. "That, my friend, is my favourite thing to do! I can show you how, but the first thing you need to do is get some rest."

Madara mumbled some complaints, but changed regardless (with his eyes closed might I add), and got into bed.

That night Sakura watched sadly as his dreams were filled with battles and blood, and she wished desperately that she could chase the nightmares away.

The next morning Madara awoke nearly as tired as he had been when he had fallen asleep, but he insisted that Sakura teach him whatever she had promised. So Sakura found herself by a rushing stream, instructing Madara to push his chakra to his hands. They bursted into a blue light, covering the entirety of his two hands.

"Good, so at least you know how to direct chakra. Now, do you know how to climb a tree without using your hands?"

"Of course. Toddlers in the Uchiha clan know how to do that!"

"Ok, now walk on water."

Madara paused and pressed his lips together. "Is that even possible?"

"Of course! I used to read books on the water when I was your age!"

Madara grumbled and stepped towards the lake. He concentrated for a moment before stepping onto the surface... And yelping as his feet sunk in, cold water sloshing up to his calfs.

The next few hours were filled with Madara falling into the water after standing on it for only a few moments at a time, and Sakura giggling both at his frustration and at the sensation of cold water on her feet when she wasn't wet. Finally, as the sun had found it's perch high in the sky, Sakura felt Madara's resolve solidify. He closed his eyes for a few moment, focusing his chakra into his feet, and he stepped onto the stream.

"Very good. Standing on moving water is much harder than still water." Sakura expressed her approval, much to Madara's relief. "Now, stand on one foot."

The next few days were filled with harsh training that left Madara crawling in and out of bed. Until, nearly a week later, his chakra control was nearly perfect.

Sakura found an ounce of pride blooming in her chest when Madara mastered lying down on the water. "Oki, we're ready to start the actual stuff."

Madara's relief crashed down on her as he scrambled to his feet. "Really? Yes! What's first?"

"First, you need to learn how to divide your chakra. Chakra is made up of three parts major parts, there are many other types of chakra but these three are the most important. There's your Chakra nature, this part can be divided into even more parts depending on how many chakra natures you have. You are mainly fire, but you do have a little bit of earth, which will make learning this even easier for you. This type of chakra allows you to perform jutsu. Then there's the Power Chakra. This is for performing basic tasks such as climbing trees, standing on water, or sensing chakra signatures. It's also the power and size behind your jutsu. And finally there's the Essence Chakra which is shared by each and every person. Everyone has a certain amount of this type of chakra, but not many are able to utilize it. Essence Chakra is also known as Healing Chakra." Sakura waited for Madara's thoughts to calm, signalling that he understood what she was saying before she continued. "I want you to divide your chakra and learn how to channel only the Healing Chakra."

This, ladies and gentlemen took a surprisingly long time. Madara just couldn't seem to separate the essence chakra from his power chakra. And it wasn't helping that Sakura was humming and whistling in his head. She said it was for training because this skill would most likely have to be used with distractions left and right, but Madara had a feeling she was just bored.

Finally, after a week of mediation, avoiding Hashirama and Izuna, and kicking trees in frustration, Madara's hand glowed with a faint green light.

"Now, I want you to catch a fish."

Madara obeyed without question, catching a fish with his fast reflexes and bare hands. "Now what?"

"Now we wait."

Madara left the fish on the ground, flopping until the struggle began to leave its eyes.

"Now, kneel beside it and put your hands on it's side." Madara did as he was told. "And push the healing chakra into it."

Madara focused on separating his chakra, which he found came with ease without Sakura's humming. Maybe it really was a training method?


Hey guys. Sorry for the late and short update. Things have just been hard I guess.

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