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"Where is he?!" Victor shouted, "Where is your king?!"

Otabek stood back, "He is safe, that's all you need to know. That thing you call Sun is hurting his soul, just as the moon will soon hurt yours,"

"Let me see him, please!" Victor said, "I know I'm hurting him, and I know that he is dying because of me, but please, if I see him once more, I'll leave,"

"And take that sun with you?" Otabek pointed at the window, which was boarded up to avoid as much warmth getting into the castle.

"And take my sun with me, yes,"

"He is in his chamber,"

Victor all but ran to Yuuri. He reached the King's bedroom and opened the door. What he found, brought tears to his eyes. It was Yuuri, and he was taking down the boards that covered his window.

"Yuuri!" Victor cried and ran to his side, "Please stop! You're hurting your soul!"

"My soul... my soul needs this warmth Victor. I've been cold all my life, I've never felt warmth like I have from you. Even before the Sun was here, when I was with you, my soul was warm. The thought that my guards are taking that away from me, it hurts,"

"Yuuri. . ."

"I heard what you said to Otabek. You were going to leave, and you were going to take the warmth with you. Please don't. I'm begging you. As much as it pains me to feel this way, if you left, it would hurt even more. So please, do not leave. I want you to stay, and I want the sun to stay. Our kingdoms can combine and we can live together. Every day, we can see each other. I feel the warmth and you feel the cold,"

"But Yuuri, we can't—"

Victor's words were cut off by a pair of lips, and before he could even comprehend what was happening, he kissed back. The warmth and cold fought alongside each other. The two kingdoms danced among each other, and twilight was born.

Yuuri cupped Victor's face in his hands and Victor grabbed Yuuri by the waist, both wanting the kiss to never end.

Victor broke the kiss, peeling away from Yuuri just as the sun peeled away from the sky. He touched his lips, and felt the cold creep up on them, just as the moon crept along the sky.

Victor smiled at Yuuri, before taking the hand of his lover and giving it a gentle kiss, "I'll see you tomorrow. And while I'm gone, light the sky with the stars. And I'll light the kingdoms with my warmth,"

And the sun loved the moon so much, that every night, he would leave its side, so all could bask in the glory of the stars. And every morning at dawn, and every night at twilight, the two lovers would come together and share true loves kiss, and the two kingdoms would meet. The moon would leave its sun, and the sun would leave its moon. But the warmth felt by the sun never left the kingdoms, and if one looked hard enough, one could often see the moon amount the sun.

For the sun and moon were so deeply in love, that on the warmest and brightest of days, one could see both lovers, smiling down upon their kingdoms and awaiting twilight.Where they would share a kiss, and break apart, leaving the moon in all its glory, and anticipating the light of the sun.

And the Sun loved the Moon; Victuuri AUWhere stories live. Discover now