MCD Shadow Knight ! Laurence x Guard ! Reader

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(Just so you all know, there is no gender preference in this, so whenever you see they, them, or their, put which ever gender you want)

Your POV:

I had been walking for days now. My village had been destroyed, and no one there was left a live, aside from myself. I had failed my lord, I didn't protect him like I had vowed to do. Now I was aimlessly wondering through the forest, hoping that the animals would attack me, or to die from starvation. It was the only thing I could do now to make up for what I had failed.

So here I am, walking through the woods. Alone.

Laurence's POV:

I heard moving in the woods just out side of the walls of the village. It could have been Wolves, or maybe a rabbit. But my curiosity got the better of me. "I wonder what it could be...?" I asked myself aloud. 
Maybe it's one of those other shadow knights? I'm in a really good mood for fighting right about now! Said my inner Shadow Knight. "No! I am not letting you fight anything! I'm the one in control, you got that!?" I snapped at him. Fine, fine. But when you need me, don't come crawling back and beg me for help! "It won't come to that." I mutter, as I walked outside of the gate, sword drawn. I walked through the woods, following the sound of the foot steps, when I found a guard walking in the woods. They were slightly shorter than myself, at least I think so, (LongHair/ShortHair) (H/C) hair, Silver armour, and a sword as pure black in colour. But they were dragging their sword, and seemed to be depressed. Ooohh, I can feel the death vibe coming off of this one! "Shut up!" I whisper yelled at him again. But even though I was careful to be quiet, I heard the person speak. "Who ever you are, I know your there. If your going to kill me, get it over with already." They said. What I'm the name of Irene is wrong with them? No Guard allows themselves to be killed....... unless..... I stepped out from behind the tree I was hiding behind. I sighed as I walked up to them, they didn't even turn to me, they just dropped their sword, and waited, as they mumbled out their goodbyes. Now! Kill her! She wants it, so do it! "Shut up.." I breathed. Luckily they didn't hear me. "W-well?" They began. "JUST KILL ME ALREADY! I FAILED TO DO MY JOB SO KILL ME!" They yelled, crying as they fell to their knees. "Hey, hey, it's okay, c'mon." I said picking them up, and helping them back to the village.

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

Your POV:

The man with light fluffy brown hair, and pale blue eyes, helped me to his village. "W-why are you doing this?" I asked, he just looked down at me and smiled at me. "Because most of us deserve a second chance." He said. I nodded, and we continued to walk further into the village.

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

It has been a few weeks since I've gotten here in Phoenix Drop, Aphmau and myself had become good friends, which made me feel good. But I was still iffy of what had happened to my village would happen here as well. "(Y/N)!! Can you come over here for a minuet!?" I heard Laurence yell. He was the one who brought me here. He was nice, but there was something that almost every other guard knew, except myself, about him. But I'll find out in due time.

I climbed down the ladder, walking to the door way of the Guard tower. But instead of being met by Laurence, I was met by another person, which, was a shadow knight. "Aha, so your the one the half shadow knight has taken a liking to." He said. "Wh-what? YOU!!" I yelled. "YOUR THE ONE WHO KILLED MY VILLAGE!!" I screamed at him. "Hehehehe, well, all but one..." He said. I started backing up."No! I will not l-." But before I got away, he bashed me on the head and I was out cold.

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