PDH Ein x Reble!Reader

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(Just so you all know, there is no gender preference in this, so whenever you see they, them, or their, put which ever gender you want)

Your POV:

I just moved to this new school call Phoenix Drop High. It seems cool, but I don't have any friends so I don't really care for anything right now. Actually what I could go far is punching someone in the face. The fact that I was sitting in the middle of werewolves didn't help me. I was sitting between four werewolves, there was a female, she had pale blue-ish purple hair, there was also a a yellowish green haired boy werewolf, a werewolf who had brown hair, and lastly, a boy who had black hair with a beautiful blue striped in it. I was quite bored I mean.... I'm in werewolf class and I'm not even a werewolf! Well let's just say that there was this orange haired werewolf that was all spunky and shiz, he kept on saying to the rest of the class. "I'm the second toughest werewolf here! No one but the alpha, can beat me!" I raised my head, and looked at him before mumbling to myself. "Pretty well built, yeah you could be a challenge..." with the werewolf peeked up and looked at me. "What was that (Girl/Boy)?" He asked. "I said that you were pretty well built," I paused, and the Orange haired wolf boy look proudly at the crowd gathered around him. "You could definitely be a challenge for me." I said, he looked surprised by my words, but then smirked. "So you think you can beat me??" He asked, I looked him dead in the eyes, and nodded. "I've got a pretty good chance of winning." I said, and he just scoffed at me. "You don't have the guts!" He barked as he began to laugh. "I've got pleat of guts, and I don't care if I'm not a werewolf, I'll beat you, and throw you out that window before the teacher even sees." I growled. The four around me, looked at me. The first three had stars in their eyes and were chanting; "fight fight fight fight." Over and over again. While the one with the blue streak in his hair looked worrisomely at me.  I shrugged off the feeling, as the spunky guy just charged at me. "Then prove it!" He yelled, I stood up from my desk and side stepped his attack kicking him in the stomach, he took a step back from the blow, but was easily back in for more. He tried to take a swipe at me, but again I dodged and threw him into a near by desk. He winced in pain, before standing up again. "For a human (Girl/Boy), you've got a lot strength and a good fighting spirit!" He laughed again. "It's called, 'We ain't puttin' up with your crap anymore!'." I yelled, throwing a punch at him and hitting him in the lower jaw. He yelled in pain. Everyone was literally on the edge of their seats, all except that boy. He was simply sitting there doing his work. "Well, let's see if you can take this!" He yelled as he ran at me. I didn't have enough time to react as he grabbed me by the waste and slammed me against the wall. The wind was knocked out of me, but I quickly regained myself, and kicked him where the sun don't shine. Once again he yelped, and let go of me. "And now for what I promised." I said, picked him up, surprising the entire class, and threw him out the window. I dusted my hands and cleaned up the class before taking a seat. Soon enough the teacher came in and called off the names. Soon enough he got to the boy, whom I threw out the window. "Lexus?" The class began to murmur. "Where is Lexus?" He asked. I raised my hand. "Yes?" He asked. "Well for one, look out the window," I said, he did as I said and seen him laying on the ground in a daze, he sighed, shook his head and walked back over to me. "What happened?" He asked looking at me. "For two, well I'm the one who threw him out the window, we had a fight. Oh I'm sorry, I should tell you that I'm (Y/N) (L/N), the human that threw a werewolf out a window." I said smiling. The teacher looked shocked, but then nodded. "Okay, thank you for your honesty (Ms./Mr.)
(L/N). I'll just mark him down as, thrown out a window... that's normal for this class." He said, the boy with a blue streak in his hair looked at me, and mumbled something. I turned to him. "Hmm?" I asked, making sure he was talking to me. He lifted his head up in shock. "I-I said, congratulations on becoming b-beta..." he said, I looked at him. "So you mean that that kid I threw out the window was the beta? Sweet. Oh yeah, what's your name Wolf boy?" I asked. "It-.." he was cut off by one of the other three sitting around me. "Hey, you don't want to be talking to him Beta...." said the girl. "W-." I began to ask, but another one piped up. "Yeah, he's just the omega anyways!" Said the yellow haired boy. "Well excuse you." I said, the three of them looked at me. "Last I checked, in the ruler of my own life, I'll talk to who I want to talk to. Thank you very much." That shut them up. "Oh and one last thing, next time you tell me not to talk to him, I'll give you all black eyes and force you to swallow your own teeth." I said coldly. With that they ignore me while I was talking to him. "So, anyways. You were saying?" I asked. "Ein, my names Ein..." he said, looking away. "That's a nice name. Also, Ein, wanna be friends?" I asked. He nodded. "Sure, that sounds.... nice." He said, a smile spreading across his face. I smiled as well, as the teacher began teaching us.

~~~|Three Weeks Later|~~~

Ein's POV:

I have been friends with (Y/N), our beta, since they've gotten here. Honestly, their really nice to me, maybe just a little protective.... but then again, I'm protective over them as well. "Hey Wolf boy!" I heard them yell. I turned to them, and smiled. "Hey (Y/N)! How's being Beta going?" I asked, they put their hand on my shoulder. "Nothing to worry about." They answered, I noticed that their hair was in their face, covering one of their eyes, which was unusual for them. (If it actually isn't unusual for you, I'm sorry...) "Why's you hair over your eye?" I asked. They lightly shook their head. "Just trying out a new hair style! That's all." They said, laughing nervously. I stopped them, and moved their hair out of their face, seeing that they had a black eye, and bruised cheek. "(Y/N)?" I asked in an unsettlingly calm voice. "Yeah Ein?" They asked. "Who hurt you?" I asked feeling my rage build up. "No one, I got in a fight with a girl who wanted to be Beta.... I won the fight..... but that's no big deal. C'mon Ein," they paused to move their hair back into place. "Let's go get something to eat from the cafeteria." They said leading me to get food.

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

Your POV:

I walked through the hallway with Ein, he was glaring down at anyone who looked at us strange. I think he is a little over protective of me, which is kinda sweet. I like Ein, but I can't tell him here.... the werewolves and crap. "Hey Ein?" I asked. He turned his head to look at me, and put a questioning look on his face. "Hmm?" He asked. "Wanna come over to my play after school today?" I asked. He nodded. "Sure, I'd love to." I smiled at his response, and he smiled back at me, as we continued to walk through the halls.

~~~|After School|~~~

We arrived at my house and started playing a video game. It was (Favourite/Video/Game), and I was beating him in most of our games, although, just for pity's sake, I let him win a few rounds. But once he got the hang of it, he legitimately beat me. "HA! I won again!!" He said successfully. I smiled at him as he did a small victory dance. "Heh, yep you did." I said, setting down my remote. "Are you alright (Y/N)?" He asked as he looked at my best up face in concern. "Yeah, yeah! Everything's fine..., I just wanted to ask you something is all.... but now it seems way to stupid to ask..." I said, and Ein set his controller down. "C'mon, you can ask me anything." He said reassuringly. "Well... uhm... Ein... I-I...." I paused and groaned, before figuring out the words I wanted to use, then spoke again. "Ein..... I... l-love..,.... y-you....." I mumbled, looking away. "Y-you do...?" He asked, shocked. "Y-yeah..... I do.... I've never like anyone as much as I like you...... and with me as tough as I am most times, no one really likes me." I said, looking at him as my face heated to probably 100 degrees. "W-well... (Y/N), to be completely honest, your the only one that's been nice to me, in quite a while, a-and I like you too." He said, blush spreading across his face as well. We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes before Ein spoke again. "S-so.... do you want to.... maybe... uhhh... g-go out with m-me..?" He asked, I turned to him and smiled. "I would love to!" I said, Ein smiled back at me. "I l-love you (Y/N)." He stuttered. "I love you t-too." I said, before an idea popped into my head. "Wanna go get something to eat?" I asked, Ein nodded, before his stomach growled. "Yeah. I'm kinda hungry." He answered, and I giggled. "Okay, let's go get some food." I said, as we got up to get some food.

(A/N: Here you go guys! This part finished!! Hope you all enjoy!! This part was requested by: undertalesanslover64 ! I hope this is something you wanted from this OneShot if not I'm sorry! Sorry for any spelling and or grammar mistakes!! Anyways! I hope you all enjoyed! And I'll see you in the next part! Chow!!!)

Up next: PDH Mean!Kai x Shy!Reader

Word count: 1794

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