Mystreet Aphmau X Flirtatious!Male! Reader

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(This chapter is directed towards guys, I'm sorry for any disappointment with this, but if you can bare with me in the chapter, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!)

Your POV:

I was walking through the park, it was quiet and peaceful. Funniest thing is, I had just gotten a call from Aphmau not to long ago. She wants me to go over to her place, for a sleepover. To which I asked her, 'Aren't we a little old for a sleepover?' And to which she replied, 'Your never to old to have a sleepover! Now please come here, I have cupcakes and everything.' Man does she ever know how to twist my rubber arm.... I love cupcakes..... but unfortunately it wasn't just going to be me and her splurging on cupcakes together. I knew better then that. Nope, she was probably bringing everyone else over too, which would be a full house, literally. But you never know, maybe she's not going to go over board with this sleepover. "Yeah right." I mumble to myself as I kept walking. Soon enough though, I arrived at her house and rang the door bell. There was an unsettling silence, before I heard a cheery voice walk over to the door. The door opened to reveal, Aphmau, my one and only, crush. "Oh! (Y/N)! Your finally here!!" Aphmau cheered as she hugged me. I hugged back. "Course I'm here! What else would you expect from your, knight in shining armour~." I purred, she pushed me off of her and giggled. "Aphmau~Senpai? Who's at the door?" I heard Kawaii~Chan ask. "It's (Y/N)! He's finally here!" She yelled back into the house. "C'mon in, we've been waiting for you." I nodded and walked into the house alongside Aph. I looked into the living room to see Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn, Travis, Mr.Steal-Yo-Gurl, and someone I didn't recognize. He was the literal colour pink, everything was pink aside from his clothes, eyes, and his teeth. "Okay, now that everyone's here, I think we're ready to begin!" Aphmau said. "Begin what~?" I purred again. "Pervert." Katelyn said. "Nah!" I was about to speak to defend myself, but then the world around me became black, and I felt strange. "What the!?"I yelled, realizing my voice sounded like a baby's. "AWWWW!!" I heard Aphmau squeal. "Oh my Irene,
(Y/N)! Your such a cute baby!" I heard Dante say. "NO IM NOT!! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON???????" I yelled. "We're playing baby hide and seek!" Kawaii~Chan said. "Oh no, C'mon guys! We only have a minute left to hide!" Katelyn said, and I heard them all run away. "No!! Don't leave me!! Aphmau! I thought you couldn't leave babies alone!!! Please come back...." I said, but they were already gone. "Don't worry
(Y/N)! I had Lucinda cast a special spell on the house that will let us still talk to each other without giving away our hiding spots."  Aphmau said. "Mmm, that's not fair!" I complained. Then I could see again and I started running around the house looking for them. "Aphmau I'm coming to find you first! Then I'm going to hug you until you become a baby as well!"

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

Aphmau's POV:

We're on the last round of Baby Hide and seek, and me and (Y/N) decided to hide together, and we were hiding on the roof, quite a nice place to hide, I gasped.
"(Y/N)!! This hiding spot is perfect!! No one will find us here!!" I said happily. "Yeah we're all alone together~." (Y/N) purred. Man (Y/N)'s being a little bit more flirty lately.... I thought. But the Travis broke the silence. "Really?" I heard a baby Travis ask. "Nope you'll never find us!" Said (Y/N). "Awe, where is it??" Travis asked again. "It's-... hey! I'm not supposed to tell you! Stop using the baby charm for evil purposes!" I yelled. "Dang it!" Travis said. "Aw, why? If you told Travis I'd know! Then I could hide with you Aph." Dante said. "To bad, you got a chance to hide with Aph before, but you didn't. So suck it up, cuz it's my turn!"
(Y/N) said protectively. "Woah sheesh calm down (Y/N), I didn't mean any offence." Dante said. He just simply huffed and hugged me. "Too bad I took offence." He said to Dante, then everyone went silent for a few moments. Then we heard Travis finding Kawaii~Chan. "Ahhha! Noooo!" She yelled. "What no, Kawaii~Chan come back!" Baby Travis yelled. "No! Kawaii~Chan doesn't want to be a baby!!" She yelled again, but then we heard him tag her. "Awwww...."She said, me and (Y/N) giggled a little. "Are you okay Kawaii~Chan?" I asked. "Yeah, Kawaii~Chan is fine, especially now that she can come see her OTP ship!!" She squealed happily. "Oh no.... not this again...." Katelyn said. "AAAAHHHHG!!!!!" Is all we heard before Dante was found. "Oh my Irene, Travis! Did you just kill Dante!?" (Y/N) asked, as he smiled at the sound Dante made. "No, he was just scared." "Oh hush up Travis! We need to find the last four." Dante said. "Oh yeah, where is Reese the Pizza Man?" I asked, looking around. "Actually, I was just so close to being found by Kawaii~Chan..." Reese said. Kawaii~Chan squeaked. "What!?" She yelled, (Y/N) chuckled at that. "Whah, NOOHOHOOO!!!" Katelyn yelled. "Hahaha! I got the butt!" Travis yelled. "Travis!! Get back here!" Katelyn yelled back at him, and the remaining three of us laughed at the two's shenanigans. "Oh!! Found you!!" Kawaii~Chan yelled, and Reese yelled. "Wah!! Oh my, Kawaii~Chan you scared me." He said, and there was no tagging sound. "Tag him Kawaii~Chan!!" Dante yelled. "B-but...." Kawaii~Chan said, sounding sad. "It's the point of the game, go a head Kawaii~Chan." Reese said in a polite manner. "Okay." Kawaii~Chan said tagging him, followed by an inaudible screech. To which everyone covered their ears. "Now, just to find Aph, and (Y/N)." Travis said. "We said you'd never find us." (Y/N) said. "C'mon (Y/N), be a pal and give us hint, there's only a minute left." Dante said. "Nope." He said. "Why!?!?!?!?" Dante yelled. "Because I'm keeping it a secret!" Yelled (Y/N) again. "Awww!!!" And with that we continued to watch them all run around, it was soooooooo cute! "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... And we win!!" (Y/N) said, happily getting up and helping me up as well. "Aw man!! Where were you guys!?" Yelled Dante. "On the roof." I said simply.

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

Your POV:

It was two hours before we planned on going to bed, and of all things we decided to play truth or dare. It was Aph's turn, and she smiled evilly at me, before she turned to Dante. "Dante! Truth or dare?" She asked with a smile. "Dare of course!" He said confidently. "I dare you to kiss Celestia!" She said, holding  up her puppy. "Okay." Dante said confused. He got up and kissed Celestia. Whom kicked his face in return. "Okay, my turn! (Y/N)! Truth or dare?" He asked. I shrugged. "Dare, why not." I said, winking at Aphmau. "I dare you to walk over to, or call your crush and tell/kiss them!" He said, smirking, as if he had won at something, probably thinking I would chicken out. "Okay." I said, getting up. I walked over to Aph, and kissed her on the cheek. Feeling my cheeks begin to burn and walk back to my spot, and everyone just stared. "What?" I asked, everyone just shook their heads, well except Aph, she was a blushing mess. "Okay let's continue, shall we~?" I purred. And we continued our game.

~~~|Time Skip|~~~

"Hey Aph?" I asked, she rolled over on her sleeping bag to look at me. "Hmm..?" She asked looking at me. "I love you..... do you... maybe... want to go out with me?" I asked. Aphmau's face went red again, and nodded at me. "S-sure." She said. I smiled. "Night Aph~, don't let the bed bugs bite~." I purred, blowing her a kiss. And with that we fell asleep.

(A/N: Here you go guys! Second part finished!! Hope you all enjoy!! This part was requested by:Aidenbook2233 ! I hope this is what you wanted from this OneShot if not I'm sorry! Sorry for any spelling and or grammar mistakes!! Anyways! I hope you all enjoyed! And I'll see you in the next part! Chow!!!)

Up next: PDH Ein x Reble!Reader

Word count: 1449

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