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Mario's P.O.V

"Are you okay?"
"I'm okay" I lied to green eyed boy and I tried to smile. He was still staring into my eyes like they were something that was giving him power. That made me laugh because why would my tired eyes give power to this boy that looked so strong and confident.
"B-bye" I said and started staring at the concrete tiles again. I liked something about this boy. It felt like something new started working in me for a second, but that was just the feeling.
The wind was blowing through my hair and I didn't want to go on. I was broken and sad and I just wanted to cry. The darkness got me. I couldn't pretend anymore. All I could remember was that probably everybody hates me and that I'm not good enough. I just wanted to escape. I wanted to go somewhere safe. I wanted to hide I wanted to run away. My family was far away and I couldn't trust anyone. All I had was myself and few friends. I hated myself and no one could fix that, no one could fix me. I knew for one escape that always helped.
I was close to the stadium. No one was there. It was too early. I entered the bathroom. Half dark bathroom. My hands were shaking and my mind was torturing me. My mind didn't want to let me. I knew where the razors were. They always helped. They made my mind stop and I felt like I could fly and I forgot about everything. They were my escape. I put a razor on my wrist.
One cut.
"I drew a butterfly on my wrist.
In hope that this feeling would no longer persist."

"HELLOOOO??? IS ANYONE THERE??" soft voice was shouting.

Two cuts.
"But things got bad and I started to cry. So butterfly on my wrist, it had to die."  Now I had two cuts. The blood started dripping.


Three cuts.
"Once again I tried to set myself free. But it seemed my thoughts had stolen the key"  slowly i started falling asleep.

"IS ANYONE THEREEE???? I THINK I CAN HEAR SOMEONE!! I'M NEW HERE.. HELLOOOOO???" soft voice was still asking for help.

"So this butterfly lived a very short life. Killed with fear and a very sharp knife."  Four. The blood just started dripping from the sink to the floor.

"HELL...O." The green eyed boy stormed into the bathroom and his heart just started gunning.

"Heeyy.. HEEEEYYYYYY!! SOMEONE HELPPPP!!!" Boy was shouting as loud as he could.

"Hey. hey. look at me.." green eyed boy took his hand and looked into his eyes which were slowly closing. He took his wrists to stop the bleeding, that was the only thing that he could remember at the moment, he was shaking.
"I-m going t-o d-die" a small smile appeared on Mario's face, like this was the last thing he was going to see.
"No.. no.. listen to me. You are going to live, survive. You are not going to live forever. That's the only thing that is for sure. But listen.. listen.." his brain stucked. He couldn't speak. He just wanted to save this boy.
"I'm l-lonely and no one would miss me. I have no friends. I w-want to die. I'm nobody...." Mario was lying on the cold bathroom floor while warm tears were flowing through his face.
"No... don't... please.... I don't know who you are but I'll be your friend.. I'll try to save you... I... I.. I'll be here... just please don't die.. please... you can make it... SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULACE PLEASEE!!!!" On hazel eyed boy's lips appeared a little smile. He closed his eyes.
"Nooo pleaseeeee!!!!" the blonde boy didn't know what to do. His hands were full of hazel eyed boy's blood. He took Mario in his arms, put Mario's arm around his shoulder and started running as fast as he could.
"Hazel, don't die please.." he was crying and running as fast as he could. When he got out with the boy in his arms covered with blood, it was raining. Raindrops were washing away all his blood.
"Don't you die on me hazel, please" his voice was shaking and his gray hoodie started turning red.
"You're only about 19. Your whole life is ahead of you... Please.. Just stay alive.." Blonde boy was whispering while running his fingers through brunette's soft hair.
"I'm sorry.." Blonde's boy voice started cracking. They did it. Paramedics rush him in, the doctor calls emergency, he lost a lot of blood the place looks like a murder scene.

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