Chase x Kat - Last Minute

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I am so sorry that this is going up so late today, but I tried to post it today, cuz I have to do a project tmrw


Kat's pov

I smoothed out my flowy black dress, and fiddled with the bow in my hair.

Why had I even come? I didn't even have a date.

All the other girls were dancing with their dates, or taking pictures, while I stood at the snack table, with a cookie in one hand, and a cup of lemonade in the other.

I saw him, walk around the room, and saw his recent crush wave at him, gesturing for him to dance with her. He gave her a look, and turned away.

I saw him finally realize I was there, and look relieved.

He practically ran to me.

"So who's your date? He must be lucky." Damn it. That voice that makes me fall apart at the seams.

"Oh...I don't have one..." I mumbled, and looked down at my feet.

I stared at the simple black wedges I had slipped on before coming here.

He grabbed my hand.

"You wanna dance? It'll be fun!" His smile...

"Oh, no I don't want to make your date mad at you." Of course he would have a date. How could he not?

"Well I'm also in need of one." What?! He didn't have a date?

"Oh...kay then..." I didn't know what to say.

"Hey, Kat...I know this is last minute and all, but would you wanna be my date for the dance?"

"No. I wouldn't." I stared at him.

"Oh...ok...have a good night..." I watched him walk away.

I grabbed his hand.

"But I thought you said...?" He looked extremely confused.

"Be honest. Do you actually like me?" I stared him straight in the eyes. His brown ones seemed to melt through my own.

"" I loosened my grip on his hand, disappointed.

"I freaking love you." My pulse quickened as I heard the words slip from his mouth.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and went for it.

I was met with soft lips, and my mind seemed to just go insane.

We parted, and stared at each other.

"So, this is really last minute, but...will you be my date? Even though I said no when you asked?" I gulped, hoping for the best.

"Of course. You're freaking amazing." I blushed, and he took my hand, leading me to the dance floor.

"I-I can't dance..." I mumbled, and he laughed.

He twirled me a few times, then dipped me down.

"You're doing just fine." He whispered, and I pushed my lips into his, catching him by surprise.

"Still love me?" I smirked at him, and his smile grew.

"How could I not?!" He laughed, and we danced, until the last song came on.

It was slower than the others, so we got close, and I put my head on his chest, and we swayed to the soft music.

"Hey, I know this is sudden, but...will you be my girlfriend? You're the most amazing person I know, and I don't know what I would do without you." I heard him whisper.

"Chase, I would love to be your girlfriend. Even if you're so dumb that you wait to the last minute."

He smiled, and I just took in the entire area. And enjoyed every last minute.


GAH. I know, bad, right?

If only this could happen irl with my crush T^T

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