Chapter One: Births and Goodbyes

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October 31st 2001 7:00pm

"Push Honey Push!" The man said watching his beautiful wife give birth to their first child. "I can see her head love she is almost here your doing  great."

"GREAT!! THIS IS ANYTHING BUT GREAT KEEGAN!! YOU TRY PUSHING OUT A HUMAN BEING THAN HAVE SOMEONE TELL YOU YOUR DOING GREAT!!" The woman was extremely exhausted. She had been in labour for seven hours and was just ready or it to be over.

"Trinity I'm sorry I'm just trying to help. I didn't mean to upset you. I love you soo much."

"Ok this is it. Just a few more pushes and we will be done." Shouted the doctor. Keegan was excited and sad all at the same time. After nine months he would finally get to see Rae Ann for the first time but it would also be the last. They had only one night to spend with their daughter before they had to leave and it was tearing him up inside. He and Trinity had been in love from the moment they laid eyes on each other. While others were partying in high school they spent most nights just enjoying each other's company. They spent many nights discussing their future. Both of them extremely excited to start a family. They wasted no time getting married right after they graduated high school. Both of their families were quite wealthy so money was never an issue. A few months after the wedding they found out Trinity was pregnant and couldn't be happier, but little did they know that a war was brewing right under their nose. The farther the pregnancy progressed the more they realized they could not sit on the sidelines while the war raged on. It was their responsibility to fight. They than made the hardest decision they had ever had to make. Their daughter would not be safe with them. Trinity faked a miscarriage and while everyone thought she was just avoiding the world grieving we hid the rest of the pregnancy and began to set a plan. We put a very big sum of money away for our daughter  for when she turned 16 and gave enough money to a couple we trusted to raise her very comfortably. We had known the couple our whole lives and they were in the perfect position to keep our little girl safe. We made them promise to erase us from her life and to raise her as their own. They couldn't have children  so we knew they were the perfect choice. My babies safety was my only concern even though my heart was shattering into a million pieces. I was brought back to the present by the cries of my little girl. She was beautiful a mixture of her mother and I. I had to push back all the reservations and doubt to be strong for my wife because I knew she was barely keeping it together. I heard my wife softly whisper in my daughter's ear.

"We decided to Name you Rae because you are the only ray of light in these dark times. I know you won't remember me or this night, but I need to tell you I love you more than anything which is why I must leave you. You must live a safe happy life and that can not happen in this world, our world. I will always be watching you Rae Ann and I will never stop loving you." She than began to sob as I wiped away my own tears. As if sensing our pain the baby began to cry too. I crawled into bed with my girls trying to enjoy our first and last night as a family because when the sun rose Trinity and I would be gone.

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