Chapter Three: The Beast

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"Sir we come with news." The soldier said while kneeling in front of the imposing figure sitting on the throne.

"Well than spit it out." The beast was becoming impatient. He did not like to be kept waiting. "Have you found them?"

"No sir not them." The soldiers upper lip trembled as he talked. It amused him how scared they were of him. His father had taught him that fear was the only true way to control people. Stupid royals thinking they could win people over with compassion and kindness. That is exactly why he was sitting in the throne now not them.

"Well what are you babbling on about than? Get on with it."

"We found their daughter sir." He studied the beasts face for his reaction.

"HOW DARE YOU WASTE MY TIME! Their daughter died before birth everyone knows that. So how could you have found her. Guards take this man to the dungeon and schedule his execution for feeding me false information and wasting my valuable time." As the guards grabbed him another soldier stepped up to his defense.

"No sir it's true!" He yelled out.

"Oh really, how do you figure a  person has suddenly come back from the dead after 16 years?" The beast was intrigued now because the man who has stepped forward  had been with him from the beginning and was far from stupid. So he halted the guards to hear the man out. "Please proceed Oliver."

"Thank you sir. Well we had taken a doctor into custody for being affiliated with the rebellion. When he was taken into interrogation he told a very interesting story to save his own life. He told us that he cared for the princess her entire pregnancy and during the birth. He said she had faked the death of the child and while the people thought she was withdrawn to grieve she was actually carrying the child to term in secrecy. They knew the war was coming so they sent the child away he even gave us the child's location and name."

"Well done. Well done indeed." The Beast waved the guards away from the man. He was happy for the first time since he took over. What better way to draw out the Royal family than with their long lost child. Once he got rid of them all the there would be no one left to challenge him for the throne and the rebellion would be done. "What is the child's name?" He asked out of curiosity.

"Rae Ann." The soldier answered obviously pleased with himself.

"Well what are you​ waiting for get me the girl! The one who brings her to me will be honored above everyone else but she must be alive." They all scramble wanting to please their master.

"Sir the doctor is still being held what should we do let him go to hold up our end of the deal right?" The lone man remaining asked.

"No kill him. If he turned on his own he is not to be trusted. He would warn the girl we were coming. Kill his family too no telling if they were involved."

"Yes sir." Than the Beast was alone as he got comfortable to wait for the arrival to the final piece of his plan.

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