Since Birth

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Ever since I was born, my eyes were too weak to light and never opened. Without any idea f what anything looks like, only knowing the color black, I was born blind.

Though, I didn't really care about it since it was like this from the very beginning. True, I couldn't see what I was doing an always needed help. But as more time passed, rather than relying on my eyes, I had my imagination. As I learnt more words, I tried to picture them in my mind. But still, I was never one bit interested in seeing it.

Feeling, listening, smelling and tasting was more than enough, the rest was not needed.

I was sitting in the garden again, picking and playing with the flower petals. I had already learnt how each one of the flowers in the garden felt like.

"Hmm... Oh! Roses. And then these ones are... Woah! my favorite-bluebells! What other ones do we have again...?~"

A sound of feet hitting the grass appeared. Someone was there, in the garden. I would've known if it was someone familiar since they would call out my name, but these sounds were quitter. They belonged to someone with a lighter body.

"Umm... Who is this?"



"A flower- you seem to be interested in them. I don't what this one is called, but I really want to know."

He dropped a flower on my hand then sat right next to me. My fingers caressed the fragile petals, trying to understand what type it was. "Ohh, this one... It's a Camelia. Firm and short petals, a lot of them in fact."

"So that was its name... haha! I feel relieved!", I heard the grass move again as he threw himself down. "Is it your favorite?" I asked, still busy with the rest.

"Hmm... No, it's not. I've seen many of them, but they were all indifferent. Though, if you were to be one, I think you would be my favorite."

He moved again, sitting back up. "Ah! I forgot to ask your name. I'm Lucian, what's your name?"

"Ju... Julius."

"Nice to meet you! Julius!"

I felt a new touch on my hands. They were unexpectedly warm and soft, just like a pair of clouds. My body which lacked color, suddenly began overflowing with that single feeling.

"Lucian! Julius! Come on in, it is lunch time!!"

"Oh, they're calling us. Let's go--??", "U-umm.. can you.. hold my hand until we get there? I can't really--"

He chuckled as a strong force pulled me up. Passing his arm above my head, ending up on my hip, still not letting go. "That's the safest way, right? Even if you trip, you'll not fall back since my arm is there and I am still holding onto you with the same hand"

"Yeah, let's go back now.", "Yup! I am feeling hungry already~ I wonder what it is~"

Everything still was the same. Same wind, same sun, same flowers.... But, I just couldn't get one thing out of my mind...

I wonder what type of a smile does he have?

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