A Wish To The Star

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We walked outside, barefoot, running to the other side of the garden where there was a big tree. A big swing was attached to it, thin but long enough to handle two people easily. Just five years ago we were decorating its ropes with bluebells just because I wanted to... on the exact same day as today.

There was a weird feeling in the air. A little excitement that kind of made me really happy. There were a lot of things going on outside and around the yard.

"Julius. Open your hands,  I have a tiny surprise."

"A surprise??"


He gently dropped something on my hands. It was something really tiny though, it could just fit in one palm.


"Huh?? Did that sound come from thi... a kitten?!"

Lucian started giggling but ended up laughing real hard. "Huh? HUUUH? B-b-but how do you even handle a cat? I don't knooooww."

The tiny legs and paws of the kitten stretched out, struggling to break free off my hands. Lucian grasped them together though. "It's fine, it's fine. If you hold him like this, it'll feel more comfortable."

Again... He loves handling me from behind me doesn't he?

"Help it get its paws over here, and rest your thumb right above its paw. Make sure not to cench your hands too hard, okay?" I simply nodded in return.

But... thanks to Lucian, the kitten finally got comfortable in my hands. Well, of course I wouldn't know how to handle it... I've never touched one before since... I didn't care?

Even though it finally got used to me and even started rubbing its head against my thumb playfully... I find no interest in it....

I really want to see how Lucian looks like right now....


"Ah! Julius, you okay?"

He quickly held my empty hands. "Oh dear... I wonder what went wrong with that kitten. It was so passive everytime I went to check its condition."

"Ah, it's okay. It doesn't really hurt so..."

Even though I told him that it was nothing, I still ended up with a band-aid on my finger.

Lucian helped me sit down on the swing, and pushes me as hard as he could. It made me feel as if I was flying.

We ate lunch, a brilliant meaty lunch. A tender steak with some greenery as the side dishes, I remember the taste of tomato too.

We talked and talked and talked about whatever we rembered from the old days... The feeling of nostalgia was in the air.

Staying outside was no longer possible though. Lucian brought in the dishes and plates. A few of them needed to be washed as well. I just layed down on the sofa, all cozy and comfortable.

Lucian walked from the kitchen to the living room, russling with the towel, probably to dry his hands. "All done! That was a delicious talk; and fun too. We should eat in the garden more often."

"I do agree on that. It tastes a lot better with the atmosphere outside. Maybe we should bring the table closer to the doors."

"Hmmmmm... No. We'll do that later. The day isn't over yet..."


"Nothing! I said that there is still one more place we have to go to."

"Where? It's almost night time isn't it?"


Lucian went upstairs, but got back immediately. He helped me up, and leaded me on the way.

The night land really was windy and cold during late hours. But Lucian was prepared. He covered my neck and slightly mouth with a scarf, and made sure that I was wearing something nice and warm.

I felt a gate infront. It was probably the place that Lucian wanted to take me to.

"Beyond here, you need to continue barefoot."


"It feels.. a lot better that way maybe? I don't know.. haha. It's kind of weird to me too."

We just kicked out shoes off and walked right in. But of course, as soon as we stepped on the floor, it was so obvious why Lucian said that.

There was a grassy feeling. But also a hint of water, as if there were paths from a thin layer of water rather than pebbles or stone.

"Since when even is there a place like this. Its all wet, but it doesn't stick to my feet."

"I have no idea about that either. It just... happens. But for now, we'll be sitting down."

A fluffy seat, high enough to feel like a bench, but too soft to even be sturdy.

"So... what did we come here for...?"

"I just thought that... it would be the perfect place to give you a present."



He suddenly cupped my left cheek... and kissed the other. "A happy birthday gift."

He handed me a thin but big box. It was kinda heavy, but not as if there was something huge in it.

I ripped the wrapper open. It felt like ceramic, a little cold.. but molded. I put my hand on it, going over the lines and bumps...

"Ah... Is this really???"

"Yeah... This is you and then this is..."



"... I really... want to see you."

I expected a silence; to be thought of as a little joke. But Lucian was good at understanding me.... He held my hands and brought them to his face.

"Go ahead then."

I didn't even hesitate, just brushed the back of my hand against his cheek.


"Woaah, Julius, just now a shooting star--"

I kissed him again..

My fingers brushed against his eyes, with long lashes, then passed through his hair, soft and straight.

After a little while, I pulled back.

"J... Julius?"

"Ahh! S-sorry... It's just...!" I slightly blushed... then continued.

"I love you."

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