Chapter 1

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Ok this is your born dragon name d/n.  And the new name you are given comes soon. Ok I hope you enjoy!

You prowled the woods as d/n.  You liked walking in Dragon form, in the night, under a full moon.  You were hunting, for anything to eat.  You heared a noise up ahead, it sounded like bushes moving.  You crept closer.  When you were close enough, you lunged into the bushes and when you saw what it was, you jumped off.  It was a human, dressed in wolf skin.

"Beard of Thor!  Your a Night Fury!" The man grinned and pulled out a nife.  You growled and readied for his attack.

"Oh, a fighter aren't You?  Boys!  Bring in the nets!  We got a good one over here!" He called.  You lifted your chin.  You heared more movement.  You looked at the man and glared.  The man smiled devilishly.

"Your ours now, pretty thing." You roared and shot your fire into the trees and a wooden contraption tumbled to the ground and you flew off.  You circled once and then something was flying at you.  You swivled out of the way but your wing  caught something hard.  You roared in pain but pushed through it, flying away from the humans.  Come on, I can do ThisYou thought fiercely.  You flew through the night sky, every wing beat sending a sharp aching pain through your body.  You looked below and saw water.  You couldn't land here, and you couldn't go back, so you pushed harder.  When you saw specks of light, almost like stars, you beat faster.  When you got close enough you saw two statues, gaping mouths of fire.  You beat harder, starting to fall lower and lower to the ground you heard cries and screams as you tumbled out of the sky suddenly.  You roared in agony as you were rolling on your injured and tired wing, hurting it more, until you finally stopped.  You looked around, your vision becoming blurry, at all the humans now surrounding you, whispering.  Then one ran towards you, a girl you thought.  They crouched down in front of you and pet your head.

"Your gonna be fine, we'll take care of you." She said.  A boy came running to you, but that's all you saw before you passed out. 

Hey I hope you guys enjoyed and decide to continue reading this story.

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