Chapter 5

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You hissed when Astrid pulled out an electric eel.  She dropped it before you and sat there watching you.  You quickly slit it open and inspected it.  You gently grabbed the electric organ and tossed it at the sharp things then looked back at Astrid.  She was beaming with excitement.

"That is amazing!  How did you know to do that?" She opened the bag and dumped the rest of the contents out.   Fish.  You picked through and ate your favorites first, then the other ones.  You glanced at Astrid.  She looked like she had bigger plans than watching you disembowel an electric eel.  Astrid sat down, watching you eat.  You brought your tail up and covered your eyes, but you still ate the fish. 

"You are full of surprises Midnight." Astrid said.

"That's because I was tought by my parents." You knew she wouldn't understand you but you didn't care. They may not understand you, but you can understand them.  You pitied the poor creatures for a moment, before remembering what had happened to your parents, your siblings, the fire, and agonized roars.  You growled softly to yourself, thinking about your siblings innocent faces as you were flung into the dark woods, never to be found by humans as you covered yourself.  Astrid was looking at you worried.

"What is it girl?" Astrid stood up and carefully walked to the door.  She opened it, peeking outside to see if anything was wrong.  Dull creatures they are indeed.  You thought as you unconsciously crushed a Salmon fish between your claws.

"There's nothing bad going on.  What were you growling at?" Astrid said.  You shook your head, knowing she wouldn't get it.  Then you saw Hiccup enter.  You glared.  He came up to Astrid.

"So how's the new Dragon doing?" He glanced uneasily at you.  Go ahead and hate me all you want, but I will never trust the likes of you.  Just then an old memory climbed through your mind.

"Come on now d/n.  You can't hate the thing forever!" Father said.

"Go on, show it you trust it." He said, gently nudging you forward with his large head towards the porcupine in front of you.

"But daddy, it's gonna shoot me with it's back spikies!" You whined.  Your father chuckled.

"Not if it knows you trust it." He nudged you a bit further.  You slowly turned to the porcupine, whimpering.  You slowly crawled towards it, looking back at your encouraging father.  Then, you herd a tiny squeaky raaar in the distance, getting closer.  All of a sudden, something hit you towards the porcupine, and you felt a sharp pain in your forearm.

"Oowwwwww!" You screed, watching as the almost spikless porcupine ran off. 

"Drakin!"(later on when you know who this is, I made this name up.  You'll get it, soon :) )" Your father roared, looking at your youngest brother Drakin.

"I was in the middle of training your sister!" He yelled, a little softer than before.  Drakin looked confused.

"Who's Dralking?" He said, barely forming the words.  You giggled.  It would take some time before he remembered his name, and everyone else's. Your father chuckled.

"I can't stay mad.  Come here you!" Your father scooped Drakin up in his talons.  You turned back to the woods, getting ready to chase the creature, but you were lifted up.

"Now now, let him go.  He'll learn in time it was an accident and forgive." And just like that, the memory was gone, once again a ghost in your mind.  You shook your head slightly. You gulped down another fish.

"She's doing great.  She's eating and I'm sure drinking." Hiccup nodded.

"So when do you want to put a saddle on her?" He asked.  Oh no.  Are they going to strip my tail amd make it so I have to rely on them to? You thought worridly.

"Well, Hiccup, it depends.  When will the saddle be ready?" Hiccup thought for a moment.

"It will be ready in about... maybe tomorrow evening.  I just need to make some measurements and then I can probably finish soon." Astrid nodded and they both looked at you uneasily.  Astrid whispered something to Hiccup and he nodded, handing here somethin and then left.

"Ok girl.  I am going to measure you so we can get a saddle ready for you so I will be able to fly you." She started doing what you thought was measuring.  When she was done she left.  You felt lonely eating fish, but you knew you couldn't hate Hiccup forever.

Yes!  I finished this chapter!  I hope you all enjoyed and continue to read this book.

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