Chapter 2

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You woke up and saw this wasn't a forest.  You looked around and saw that there was wood around you, placed in strange ways.  You then saw pointy things made from metal.  You were then frightened by the sight and tried to lunge away, but you hit something hard and shook this prison you were stuffed in.  You felt a sharp pain in your wing afterwards.  What happened?  Did the hunters find me?  That was hard to believe, since your not dead.  Or am I? You thought, but then again you wouldn't feel this agonizing pain in your wing.  You stood up, swaying a little bit.  You walked around slowly, sniffing here and then.  You then reached the other side and turned around, only to see that there was nothing but yellow grass were you were resting at.  Large wood poles went from the right side to the left above you, but nothing more.  You sat down think for a moment, but you caught something and heard a creaking noise.  You saw a line of light spill through and you followed it up to the wall.  You got up and turned around and pushed it more with your head, and saw there Were more prisons with bad doors.  Stupid humans. You thought bitterly.  You were on your way out, but just then another Dragon that was like you landed in front of you.  You jumped slightly.  He started sniffing you.  You stood up and walked around this Dragon.  He has a strange brown contraption on his back. 

"Are you a prisoner?" You asked him.  (People can't understand you or other dragons when you talk.)

"No.  Nobody here is a prisoner." He said.  You arched an eyebrow.

"Then what am I doing here?" You demanded.

"Because, you were injured, and my friends saved you." He smiled.  You glared and his smile faded.

"Hey, Toothless.  Making friends I asume." A boy said walking up to apparently Toothless.

"Toothless?  What kind of parent names her dragonet that?" Toothless turned to you.

"My parents didn't name me this, he did." He tilted his head to the boy.  Your eyes widened.

"You let him name you?  What kind of Dragon are you?" Toothless shrugged.  You watched disgusted as he played with the boy.

"You are one treasonous dragon to trust that, 'thing'." You turned to walk away.  Toothless stopped tackling the boy and turned to you glaring.

"I'm not treasonous.  This 'thing' saved me." You turned back frowning with a menacing glare. 

"That's just what it wants you to think.  That 'thing' could have killed you.  That 'thing' could kill you at any moment." Toothless was hissing at you.  You hissed back but louder.

"Ok, Toothless, be nice." The boy said.  You lifted your chin and turned back around and walked back to your wooden 'prison'.  You walked inside and bit the handle and pulled it closed.  You lied back down on the yellow grass and took a nap. 

I'm just gonna end it here.  Even though it's still daylight, your taking a longish nap.  I hope you guys enjoyed and continue reading.

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