Chapter 30

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Rathi P.O.V

He made me sit on a chair. Gentle fragrance touched my nostrils. I have never felt such a pleasant aroma. He untied my eyes. When i opened my eyes i was shocked. " What is this?" Oh my god. Its... " Rose for my rose​.." he said. " How did you do this?" I asked. " Its secret." He said. I narrowed my eyebrows. " Look the flowers my dear." He said. I smiled and looked the arrangements. The place was totally changed. " Its a swing." I screamed. " Yes." He said. The whole garden is filled with roses. I ran to swing and started to play. Then i saw him. He smiled at me. Does he really love me? I can feel that he is true to me. But my i can't believe him soon. I was thinking this and​ saw the garden. It was fully arranged with rose plant. I can see different colours​. "Its beautiful." I said. " Thank you Mrs A.K." he said. " Mrs A.K?" I raised my eyebrow. " Yes baby." He said. " A.K i am neither your baby or wife. I like the roses.." before i could complete. " Then you like me also." He said. " No" i said. " Yes.. You like my present but not me?" He asked. " Yes i hate you." I said and went out of the place. I went straight to have my breakfast. He followed me. " My grandma and grandpa also joined us. Sweet aroma touched my nostrils. " Sambar​?" I asked to grandma. " Yes my dear." She said. " Idly??" I asked. She smiled and place me some idly on my plate with  sambar. I ate 7 idly. Yummy. A.K saw me, like he have never seen anyone eating. I just brushed off it and after finishing my breakfast i got blessings from my grandma and went to hotel. I think he will not come to hotel.  I reached the hotel went straight to kitchen. I heard two people arguement. I went to the spot. The person is little away from me but i can hear his voice clearly. Oh no not again. None other​ than "A.K??"


My friend suggested me to give rose bouquet. But i thought of giving  a rose garden to my love. She is happy. I always love to see her smile. Her smile always bring smile to my face. She sat on the swing. I wish i was the swing. Then she went to have breakfast. She like idly and sambar a lot i think so. She loves food more than me. I think i must keep one idly shop, so that she will love me also. While i was thinking this, she said she is going to hotel. I followed her but before her i reached the place. Where to start i was thinking. One person came near me and asked "what do you want sir?" I smiled. " I am Ayush Kannan and i am a police officer. I need to check your​ hotel." I said. " What? Our hotel? Why? Any problem sir?" He asked. " No its just a checking." I said. " Ok sir. What must i do?" He asked. " Take me to kitchen." I said. " Sure sir. Our hotel is the best hotel in Kumbhakonam. We are using vegetables which are growing in our own farm. We are using only natural fertiliser. Our food is healthy and tasty." He said. " If your marketing work is over can i examine your hotel?" I said. " Am sorry sir you can." He said. I went to every place in the kitchen. Then i saw one man is packing vegetables in a bag. I felt something bad. I was watching him continuously. He packed the vegetables in a bag and dialled some one number and said to come the backside. I went near him and caught his hand. " What are you doing?" I asked. " Who are you? Why are you asking?" He said. " I am a police officer. You are stealing vegetables??" I asked. "What? No.." he said. " Then what is this?" i pulled the bag from him and showed to everyone. Just then rathi arrived. " What's happening here?" She asked. " Rathi he is stealing vegetables." I said. " What?? So you are the one who is responsible for stolen vegetables in our hotel?" She asked. " No madam. Actually.. I am sorry madam." He said. " Get out now. You are fired." She said. " Madam please madam." He begged. " Look get out of my hotel." She said. " Your hotel? You don't have any rights on this hotel. You are cheating that old man and trying to get all his property. You will do anything for money." He said. I lost my patience. I gave a hard punch on his mouth. " How dare you to talk about her like this?" I asked and again punched on his face. I broke his jaws​ and elbows. " Stop it A.K" she said. " No.." i said and again i hit him hard. " Stop it Ayush." I heard grandpa voice behind. " Leave him." He said. " Moorthy. You have a family right? Are you not ashamed to speak like this? Don't you remember that your mom, you wife , your daughter every one are female? How can you tell that my grand daughter has no right in this hotel? Who said like that? She is having full right on this hotel. But you are not going to work here after. Not for stealing the vegetables but for insulting my grand daughter. Get out." He said. Rathi cried and hugged her grandpa. I broke his jaws and elbows but she is hugging her grandpa. Too bad.

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