skandar | narnia

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I looked out the window and stared at the beautiful sparkly stars. I'm in a plane heading to London, to Skandar's place. Me and Skandar met half a year ago through Twitter. His Twitter username is @keyskandar. I was looking for an internet friend and I met him, so we start chatting and Skype-ing.

A few days ago we decided to meet. And since I have a cousin who live there, I'm going to stay at her place for 2 weeks or more. "To all Air Angel Plane passengers, we are going to land in 10 minutes." The pilot's voice ran through the speakers. I smiled widely. London, I'm coming!

// time skip //

I just landed. I drag my suitcase with earphones on my ears. I took my phone from my jeans pocket and called Skandar. After a while finnaly he picked up his phone "Hey Skandar! I just landed and I'm in the airport entrance, where are you?" I asked. "Oh? I just arrived at the airport too! Hang on, I'll be there, just wait." He answered. Sounds happy. "Okay, bye." I smiled. I sat on the waiting seat with a lot of other passengers there.

I look around, lots of people are hugging, ran to each other, and they all look so happy. I texted my mom, told her that I've landed and I'm okay. I look at my watch. It's almost 9 p.m. "Y/N?" Someone called my name. I turned around and saw Skandar stood behind me with messy hair, scarf around his neck, white shirt, jeans and leather jacket. My eyes widened.

God, he's really different. I've never realize all this time when we were snapchatting that he's really handsome. "hey little duckie," he said and we shook hands. "Wow, you're taller than I thought." I laughed.

Skandar chuckled and said "and you're more beautiful than I thought." I blushed and quickly said "thanks." An awkward silence filled between us for a while. "Well, let's go." He finnaly break of the silence and drag my suitcase. "Hey I can-" he cut me off. "Just let me?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. I laughed. "Okay."

// time skip to two days later //

"Hey Skandar? Can we meet today?" I asked. I called Skandar because I saw something on the internet headline news today and I need to know what's exactly is that. "Yep? Yea, that's what i was trying to say. Uh huh. Big Ben park in ten minutes okay." I said, and hang up. I quickly get ready and take a cab to go to Big Ben park. After a while I arrived there.

I walked to the park, and saw Skandar sat on a park bench, sipped a cup of coffe with a cap on his head and a mask folded under his jawline. As soon as he finished his coffe he put his mask back on, only revealing his eyes. He hold another cup with his other hand.

"Skandy!" I called him with the nickname I gave him and waved. He smiled and waved back. I sat beside him, and he gave me the coffe that he hold. "Thanks." I smiled. "So what's so important?" Skandar started. "I was reading trending news in this site, when I saw this article." I took my phone and with a few swipe i found the article and gave Skandar my phone "Here." I pointed to my phone screen. His smile disappeared.

"Skandar? Is that you?" I asked, pointing to the image. It's an article that says something along the line 'skandar keynes's girlfriend' but thing is, there's a picture of him with me in the airport from two days ago! There's also images of us walking down London streets, and when we ate in a cafe nearby! "Anything to say? Explanation maybe? " I asked to him again in a sarcastic way.

"stupid paparazzi's!" He muttered. "What?" I frowned.

"You never told me you're... I don't know, famous?"

So much confusion! What is he hiding from me? What's the meaning of all this? "Well.. kind of?" He asked back. "Friends don't tell lies" I put my arm around his shoulder. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

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