thomas | tmr

224 5 0

in which thomas and newt fought over the only girl in the glade; nancy.

the sunlight seeps through nancy's hut, shining directly at her face causing her to shift away from it in annoyance. it was too bright, even with her blindfold on. she needed sleep more than anything that morning. she has not had one in two days, finishing the greenie's hut.

shouts and yells of the gladers outside filled her ear, but she couldn't care less. something is happening outside, and from what she could hear, she knew it was some stupid fight.

probably ben with minho over some hair gel. or gally with.. anyone really. that idiot hates everyone.

she threw a pillow over her head, clasping the soft thing to block her hearing. and yet, as if the universe hated her, their shouts got louder.

for the love of god, Nancy, if you don't get your ass out there someone's going to get killed, she thought to herself.

letting out a frustrated groan, she kicked her blanket off her body, took off her blindfold throwing it to the side. still with tired eyes, she got up slowly, hands roaming the bed trying to find a hair tie.

after finding the elastic thing, she tied her brown locks into a pony tail. sliding into her shirt and tying her shoes, she then walked out the door approaching the open field near the tree house where everybody seem to be.

she was close enough to see that she indeed was right. two klunkheads were throwing fists and punches at each other's gut. a slight smirk was visible on her face as she neared.

that smirk, though, fell quite instantly as her vision recognized one of the idiots.


the wisest, most down to earth glader was now wrestling with some dark haired boy. this must be some serious shit or else he wouldn't have made a move himself.

still, doesn't mean he's spared.

he was a close friend but fighting over anything in front of nancy's very nose was not acceptable. no physical fights. not with her around.

she made her way through the laughing crowd, shoving people out of the way. Ben and Alby must have been gone to the maze, because if the two were around, something like this wouldn't happen.

nancy was second in command, but the gladers doesn't seem to like the idea of her replacing alex who passed a few months ago. they loved Nancy as she was the only girl in the glade. but they don't like the idea of her taking the position after Alby for the very same reason. she was a girl. they think it's too much work for her.

she gets that they are caring for her, but she wanted to prove herself worthy. that she's more than just a girl in need of protection all the time. she was going to keep her family in one piece, whether they like it or not.

"what the hell are you two fussing about?" she shouted, dragging newt away from the other boy without hesitation.

they stopped hitting each other, sending 'I will kill you' type of glare instead.

"aw nancy it was just getting fun!" chuck protested, pouting his lips while throwing his hands im the air, a small shovel clutched in one of them. clearly he was in the middle of something when this chaos started. "please put the shovel down chubs, you could hurt someone with that" a glader commented, pure concern in his eyes.

nancy fought the urge to giggle before shifting to stand in between the two with her hands shoved in her pockets, patting her feet growing impatient.

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