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~ Study in a quiet place where you won't get distracted. Don't forget to turn off your phone!

~ Use flash cards. Write the terms on the flash cards and quiz yourself to see how many terms you've memorized. Keep quizzing yourself until you know all the terms.

~ Use mnemonic devices to remember hard terms. For example, EGBDF (The five notes for treble clef) can be remembered with "Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit".

~ Rewrite your notes. You can rephrase them so you really understand the notes you took in class.

~ Take practice exams.

~ Take some breaks. It's good to take a short break every 30mins - hour. When you're taking a break, move around, take some fresh air and have some healthy snacks.

~ Give yourself small rewards from time to time. For example, you can tell yourself that you can check your instagram once you finished reading chapter 1. Motivate yourself to finish!


• Author's Notes •

Hope this helps! :)

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