Our Life (2)

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8 a.m.

My alarm goes off and I roll out of bed, literally I'm the size of a watermelon. I waddle to my bathroom and use the toilet. I throw on a loose maxi dress and toss my hair into a high ponytail. Since Quentin's at work I'm left here to get the girls ready by myself, which is normal. I walk down the hall and go into Oaklee's room. I kneel next to her bed and rub her back "Princess it's time to wake up."

She rolls over "but I don't wanna."

I smile and move the hair from her face "we're going to see great grandma Donna today." She perks up. "The quicker you get downstairs, the quicker we can eat and go." She jumps out of bed and runs downstairs. I shake my head and laugh as I head over to Mavis's room. I sit on the edge of her bed and rub her back. "Wake up Princess we're going to great grandma's house." She sits up and reaches for me. I stand up and pick her up then head downstairs. I put Mavis in her high chair and strap her in then I help Oaklee into her boaster seat. "What do you girls want for breakfast?"

"Fruit" Mavis screeches.

"Cereal please" Oaklee says calmly.

"Okay okay." I grab two bowls from the cabinet and put fruit in one and cereal in the other. I had Mavis her bowl then pour milk into Oaklee's before handing it to her. As they eat I pick through some fruit. "Mavis are you ready to be a big sister." She shakes her head no, which just makes me laugh because her face is covered in fruit.

"Mamma I'm done."

I help Oaklee out of her boaster seat "go get dressed."

"Alright!" she smiles and runs up stairs.

I turn back to Mavis "are you finished to?" She nods her head and I wipe her face off. I pick her up out of the highchair and quickly wipe it. I bounce her on my hip and tickle her "who's ready to get dressed?"

"Me" she giggles.

I take her upstairs and check on Oaklee, who is searching through her dresses. Then I take Mavis into her room "what do you want to wear today?"

"A dress" she says proudly.

"Okay." I set her down and look through her dresses, finding a pink poofy dress. "How about this one?" She nods her head excitedly so I put it on her.

Oaklee walks in also in a dress "I'm ready mama."

I smile "you are aren't you." I pick up Mavis and put her on my hip then grab Oaklee's hand. We go downstairs and I grab the diaper bag. I lead the girls outside to the minivan. Oaklee climbs in first and goes to the back. I buckle Mavis into her car seat behind the drivers seat, then climb to the back and buckle Oaklee into her car seat. The I climb back out, close the door, and climb into the driver sear. "Who's excited?" They both say they are so I pull out of the drive way and drive the twenty minute drive to Donna's house. Once we get there the girls start getting antsy. As I'm unbuckling them I remind them "be very gentle alright? Grandma Donna doesn't feel good remember?"

Oaklee hops out of the car "you should make her chicken soup, it always makes us feel better."

I give her a smile and grab her hand "I'll try that." I take the girls and lead them into the house. Right away they see Donna laying in the hospital bed, they get excited and fast walk to her.

I help them into the bed and she pulls them in close "how are my grandbabies?"

"Great! I was just telling mama that she needs to make you chicken noodle soup." Oaklee says proudly.

A sad smile spreads across Donna's face and she looks at me and mouths "thank you." I know what she's thanking me for. She's thanking me for allowing her into my family and getting to see the girls grow up. She was diagnosed with terminal drain cancer a couple months ago and has been bed ridden since, we're afraid she might not see the new baby before she passes away.

He's My World - Sequel to A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now