The Truth(4)

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Of course I'm woken up by Levi's cries. I stretch, making sure not to wake up Paris, and climb out of the hospital bed. Quentin's gone yet again. I pick up Levi and sit on the couch. Before I start to feed him I kiss his forehead. I text Quentin.

Me: Where are you this time?

Quentin: I'm sorry I just left like 2 minutes ago. I'm running to the store so we have food when we get home. I'll stop and get us food on my way back in about an hour.

Me: Whatever.

I toss my phone to the other side of the couch and just stare at Levi. Does Quentin no longer love me? I hear movement coming from the bed and when I look up Paris is sitting up. "I'm sorry did I wake you?"

"No I've been awake for a while. Oh Quentin said he'd be back in an hour or so." She climbs out of bed and stretches. "Tanner is here to get me. We have a doctors appointment for Max."

"Is everything okay?" I rock Levi.

She grabs her purse then runs a hand through her hair "they want to run blood tests. I'll text you later okay?" 

I quickly stand up and pull her into a hug "it'll be okay." She says goodbye then leaves. Alone yet again. I lay in bed with Levi on my chest. I've been lucky enough to have good babies. They all sleep well and eat well. He falls asleep so I watch youtube videos on my laptop. Turns out Quentin posted Levi's birth vlog already, at least he's doing something right. 

A few videos later my doctor walks in. He smiles when he sees Levi asleep then softly says "we're going to start your release papers now. Where is your husband."

The door opens and the girls run in "I'm right here I was just running a few errands." They shake hands.

"You should be able to leave in the next hour or so." He high fives the girls then leaves. 

I hug them then turn back to Quentin "you couldn't have waited until I was awake?"

He sighs "the doctor came in while you were asleep and said you'd be leaving soon. I just wanted to make sure the house was ready when we got there." I roll my eyes and listen as the girls tell me about how much fun they've had at grandpa's. Quentin starts packing stuff and carrying it out to the car. 

Finally the doctor comes in and cuts the tracker off of Levi's foot. "Come back if anythings wrong okay? Also keep him at home for about six weeks and keep him away from any one sick." He hugs us then leaves.

I put Levi in the car seat and start to pick it up. Quentin comes over "I got him." He grabs the car seat and lifts Oaklee onto his other hip, I carry Mavis and the diaper bag. As we leave everyone waves. We get to the car and put Levi right behind the passenger seat. 

Quentin and I climb in and I look straight at him "we're going to Donna's house." 

He nods his head slightly "I figured as much." He pulls out of the parking garage and heads to her house. When we get there he grabs Levi and Oaklee again and I grab Mavis. When we're at the door he looks at both of the girls "be very gentle with grandma okay?" They nod their heads excitedly. He opens the door and they run in right away.

We walk into the house and the girls are already cuddled up next to her. She looks do weak when she smiles "let me see him." Quentin sets the car seat down and I get him out. I set him in her arms and she starts to cry. 

"Girls get ready I'm going to take the picture." I stand next to Quentin as he takes the picture.

After he's done Donna kisses all the kids on their heads "Quentin can you take them back out to the car?" He gives a sad smile then takes them. I crawl into the bed with her "thank you for bringing him I'm sad I didn't get much time with him."

He's My World - Sequel to A New BeginningHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin