Maybe it was a mistake (5)

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At eight a.m. my alarm goes off. I roll over and reach for Quentin, but he's not there. Levi starts to cry so I lift him from the bassinet and start to feed him. In anger I rush over to the girls rooms. Seriously I just had a baby and he leaves me again. The closer I get I hear laughing coming from Oaklee's room. I softly open the door and peak in. Quentin is tickling the girls when he see's me. "When did you get up" I said in a soft voice.

He looks at his watch "about ten minutes ago? I figured I would get the girls ready for you."

I lean down and give him a kiss "thank you baby." 

He stands up "girls let's get dressed." Oaklee starts digging through her closet and Mavis grabs his hand and pulls him to her room, since she's so young she still needs help getting dressed.

I smile and walk back to my room. Once Levi is finished I set him in the middle of the bed and start getting myself ready. Nothing too crazy, I just changed into leggings and a t-shirt, tied up my hair, and washed my face. I go back to the bed "oh you're one stinky boy" I say in a baby voice to Levi. I pick him up and carry him into his room, setting him on the changing table. I change his diaper and put him in a new outfit. 

As I walk out of the room the girls run to me. "Look mommy!" Mavis points to her outfit. A green and white printed dress, a blue tu-tu, and a pair of brown leggings. 

"Well aren't you adorable!" I laugh a little. Then I look at Oaklee. "I love your outfit to!" She's wearing a yellow tank top over a red shirt and a white skirt. 

She pulls at my hand "daddy is making waffles!" She pulls me downstairs. "See!"

He turns around and gives her a fake angry look "it was supposed to be a surprise!" He chases after her and lifts her up. He softly drops her on the couch and she screams with joy as he tickles her. 

"Babe I'm sorry to break it up but I think you're burning a waffle." He perks up and runs back to the kitchen. I set Levi in the rocker and help the girls into their seats. "Orange juice or milk?"

"Chocolate milk!" Oaklee screams.

"Juice" Mavis says softly. Yep you can tell who takes after who. I get the girls their drinks and pour myself some coffee. 

"Do you want chocolate milk to?"

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "Is that even a question?"

"Right." I pour him a cup and set it on the table. Quentin comes and sets the waffles in the middle of the table. We both grab one, cut them into pieces, and set them on the girls plates. Then we grab our own and start eating. Once we finish Quentin helps the girls out and I clean the dishes. I hear him walk into the kitchen "we should go do something."

"Are you crazy? You heard the doctor six weeks."

As I'm drying off a dish I turn to him "so? We had Oaklee and Mavis out before then and they are perfectly fine! You can't honestly say you don't want to go outside?"

He sighs "okay I'll go get the girls in the car." I smile, I always get my way. I put Levi in his car seat and grab the diaper bag. When I get to the garage Quentin is just climbing in the drivers seat. So I clip Levi's car seat in and climb in the front. "Where are we going?"

"What about the tiny tot's gym?" Basically it's a class that we've taken the girls to a couple times where they learn basic skills like sharing and communication. 

He pulls out and starts driving "I forgot about that place." He turns on some music and we make the seven minute drive with ease. When we get there we all go in and decide he should go with the girls while I sit with Levi. As the class starts I sit and watch through a big window. Levi starts to whine so I start to feed him under my shirt.

He's My World - Sequel to A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now