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It was just a normal day at the office. The gang had a lot of work that they had to do, so they got working. Though at the end of they day, Ethan sent out a request for the gang to play Overwatch.

"Ethan, you know I suck at video games," Tyler huffed out as he crossed his arms.

Amy butted in too, "I'm with Tyler. I suck at video games too! Plus, don't you need you skills for playing Overwatch?"

Ethan thought for a little bit, "well yeah you need skill, but that doesn't matter! We could just play for fun!"

"Yeah, I could use some quality time with video games," Kathryn sighed as she started to boot up Overwatch on her PC.

The four of them then heard clinking of claws on the stairs followed by footsteps.

"Wait, are you guys playing Overwatch with out me?" Mark exclaimed with a hint of fake sadness.

"While Ethan proposed it, but I don't want to play because I'm going to suck ass!" Tyler said as he turned his chair around to face Mark.

Mark was taking off the leash and collar for Chica. "Well then let's just play against AI's. That'll get you warmed up to the game. And for you to Amy."

Both Tyler and Amy huffed out a, "fine."

Mark then went to set up the game while sending out the invitations. Mark already picked his player which was Pharah.

Ethan was the next one to get in and quickly chose his hero as Tracer.

Kathryn then got in and decided on Mei.

Tyler and Amy were having a bit of troubles navigating the game though Tyler got in before Amy. Looking around at the characters, he decided on Ana.

With the help from Mark, Amy got in which took some time, leaving Mark thinking. Once Amy picked Mercy, Mark said, "we are one player short, but I got an idea."

The other four all looked puzzled until they saw Mark calling Chica over.

"Mark are really going to let Chica play?" Tyler said as his face was just scrunched up in confusion.

Mark ignored his question as he lifted up Chica onto the chair by the empty computer.

"Mark you know Chica is afraid of heights!" Amy exclaimed, yet Mark didn't listen.

Mark thought for a bit while still holding onto Chica until he found the perfect hero for her. "I'm going to give Chica Lúcio because then she can have sonic borf!"

He then clicked Lúcio for Chica then letting go of her to go, so he can start the game.

That was a mistake.

Chica jumped off the chair causing her tail to randomly smash buttons on the keyboard.

Then everyone's screens went black, and so did the lights of the office.

"Chica! what did you do?!" Mark yelled out more confused then angry.

That's when everyone's screen started counting down from ten. A feminine voice that was counting down with the computers was echoing through the office. In the distance, a whimpering sounding was coming from a terrified Chica.

"What the hell is going?!" Tyler screamed as he jumped up from his chair.

"I don't know?! Is this like a new update?" Ethan asked as joke.

Kathryn rolled her eyes, "no time for jokes Ethan."

Amy didn't say anything as she just ran over to Chica to calm the shivering dog.

That's when a light bulb popped in Mark's head. "Wait! I know that voice! It's Athena! She is like the AI that guides you throughout the tutorial in Overwatch!"

"That doesn't help out for the fact of why this is fuc-" Tyler tried to say until the office started to shake like an earthquake when the count down hit three.

The gang had no idea what was happening. They all tried to embrace themselves at what was going to come when the count down hit zero.

All of them held onto a nearby object once they heard the voice say one.

Though after it, everything stopped. No count down, and no shaking.

The guys looked around to notice that they weren't in the safety of their office anymore, but more like a black abbess. That was when a big flashing source of light appeared right in front of them.

"Well I'm guessing we have to walk towards it," Mark stated the obvious.

Tyler was way too skeptical with this current situation, "but what if this like every horror movie? Like what if we walk to the light and just die from what's on the other side?!"

"So you propose that we sit here and do nothing and just die of starvation or whatever?" Ethan stated.

Tyler huffed out, "fine then! But if we die! I told you so." Glaring at Ethan.

The gang then made there way towards the light with Chica trailing behind everyone on Amy's side. Once they reached the other side of the glaring light, nobody expected what happened next.

It's was as if the went through a different dimension.

Everyone's clothes changed in an instance with a weapon in each and everyone's hands.

That's when Ethan and Mark both noticed where they were.

They were in a whole new world, but not just any world.

The Overwatch world.

Heroes Never Die (Teamiplier/Overwatch Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now