Chapter 2

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The gang followed the Brit to the supposedly Overwatch base. All of them were still hesitant with the fact that they have real working weapons in their hands. They've played video games that involved guns. Plus Mark and even Tyler has done some skits with guns in them, but none of them were real. It was all fake.

Though this is some how real life.

Mark was the first one to talk, "why do you need new recruits? And why would you trust people whom mysteriously knew your name and all?"

Mark was still skeptical with how Tracer's head worked. She turned around to face Mark with huge grin plastered to her face.

"Winston was working on a way to find new extraordinary beings that could give us help in this newly fond war that has appeared in an instance," she stated as turned her back back at the group.

The others were just still lost with everything, but good thing Mark knew some stuff about the lure of Overwatch.

"Does this have to do with the assassination of Mondatta?"

Right when Mark said that, Tracer was brought to a sudden halt. Her body tensing up to the memory. People and omnics crying at the sight of their beloved figure being murder, and she was only seconds away.

Just seconds.

Tracer then felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around to see who it was. The other brunette with trench coat gave her a sympathetic look.

"It's ok. I have no idea what is going on, but I'm just going to say that it is ok and what happened is in the past," Tyler said. Trying his hardest to make the small Brit a little bit happier.

Then from behind him, you could here Kathryn fake cough out a, "#SmileAlways," causing Ethan to break out in laughter. Tyler just turned around to give the two death glares as Tracer was confused at what that meant.

Amy was next to walk up to Tracer. Placing her hand on her shoulder as they started to take the lead.

"Don't worry, those two just love bugging poor ol Tyler." Amy stated as Tracer just nodded in response.

The two girls could hear the three goofing off. While Mark was off to the side, examining the assault rifle in his hands.

The grassy ground suddenly disappeared as they felt cobblestone hit the soles of everyone's feet.

"Welcome to our base!" Tracer announced as she started to walk faster towards to the front doors.

The three goofballs plus the gun examiner were surprised at how fast the journey to the base was, yet Amy was the only one paying attention to where she was going. Making Amy being the first newbie to enter the building, and of course with Chica at her side.

Followed by Mark then the rest, they all slowly made their presence into the building.

Tracer was zipping back and forth trying to find the lovable gorilla, yet he was no where in sight. Until they heard a crush coming from a nearby room.

"Stupid me! I should've known he was in the laboratory!" She exclaimed with a giggle tracing after it. She then waved her hand to signal the gang to follow her.

Winston was able to hear more than just a pair of footsteps which excited him. Once he spun around in his chair to face the door to the hallway, he spotted Tracer with five strangers and a dog.

"Hello Win!" The Brit said with huge grin plastered on her face, "I found us some newbies!"

Winston chuckled at the nickname Tracer gave him. "So you have. Was it do to my experiment?"

And Tyler being Tyler, just had to interrupt the two.

"What is this experiment you are talking about?" He asked which caused him a jab from Kathryn's elbow to his side.

Winston fixed his glasses as he gave a closer look at the outspoken person. "Well this experiment I tried was supposed to find people from a different dimension. People who have the skill and the heart to be an Overwatch recruit."

The team was baffled at the fact that a gorilla was most likely the reason why they got sucked into this video game universe.

"With the knowledge our generation was able to pick up was that there is in fact different dimensions, almost like a parallel universes, but not quite. And this isn't like the mirror effect where there is another physical, but completely different mental state from yourself. No, just different dimensions that you would've never of thought existed, yet do," Winston went on about his knowledge on the proof of different dimensions and how they worked.

Though it was now Mark's turn to throw in some of his insight on the situation.

"Well for all we know is that you did, technically, take us from a different dimension. Though in our world, we already knew about yours," he tried to explain.

Winston was leaning back on his chair. Intrigued by what the red-haired man had to say.

The others had no way to contribute into this scientific conversation because they were either not smart or had no info on the current situation.

"What do you mean that you already knew about our world? How is that possible?" Winston asked as he looked to Mark for more answers.

"This is going to sound crazy, but technically in our dimension, your world is a video game." Mark stated.

The face's of both Tracer and Winston were priceless. They were just baffled by the idea that the world they've lived in for their whole lives could just be a video game.

"That can't be possible love! We can't just be living in a video game!" Tracer shouted out. Start to fast forward back and forth, mumbling words after another.

"Tracer," Winston said while trying to calm her down, yet nothing was stopping her.

Winston then turned to the group, "you guys just head farther down the hallway until you find the nursery. Mercy will then guide you to the training area were Morrison, aka Soldier 76, will start to get you used to your weapons and skills. Then at dinner you'll meet the rest off the Overwatch team and you'll be able to introduce yourselves to them. Now go get working! I'll see you at dinner!" Winston told the group.

The gang then all made their way out of the laboratory. Leaving Mark with the sinking feeling of guilt inside him.

Once they were out, Winston made his way towards to the Brit whom was now sitting on the ground with her legs tucked to her chest. The sight just broke Winston's heart.

Laying his hand upon her shoulder while saying, "it's alright little one."

"No it isn't," she blankly said.

"My whole life is just a virtual reality."

And by that, the two were sat in the room with silence.

Heroes Never Die (Teamiplier/Overwatch Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant