Chapter 3

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The group made their way down the hallway as Mark was trailing slowly behind. He couldn't believe that he bluntly said that to the two! Now guilt was settling inside him.

The five, including Chica, heard clicks of heels on the ground in a room to their right. Then a women with blonde hair up in a bun with mechanical wings on her back ran out of the room with a huge smile.

"You guys must be the new recruits! My name is Mercy and I'm one of the many supports here! Well I'm the only one here so far," she said as she shyly looked away while scratching the back of her neck. Mercy then shocked her head and continued on, "but are any of you for sure certain that you are a support?"

Nobody stepped forward. Mark knew Amy was one, so he took the initiative.

He stepped forward gently placing a hand on Amy's back and guiding her to the front of the group saying, "Amy here is a support. She healed me back when I got hurt before Tracer showed up."

Mercy beamed even more when Mark said that, "great! Then that means I can train you!," she stated while grabbing Amy's arm and pulling her towards herself. "Jack will get the rest of you started. Then once more of the team gets here, he'll send you off to work with someone whom is more related to your skills."

Mercy then gave the directions to the gang of where the training center was. Amy was a tad bit nervous to be alone with a stranger in this different universe, but the energy Mercy was sending off calmed Amy.

Once the team made their way to the center, Mercy turned straight to Amy with a huge smile and said, " while let's get working! We got till dinner!"

Tyler slowed his paced down, so he could talk to the gloomy Mark. Leaving the other three to take the lead.

"Hey Mark, is there something on your mind?" Tyler asked in a hushed voice.

The red head didn't look up, but muttered out, "why did I say that?"

Tyler was slightly confused at what he was referring to. He wanted to ask, but he didn't notice that they already made it to their destination till he heard someone shout, "ah the new recruits are here!"

Tyler looked to where the voice was coming from to see a man with white hair and an assault rifle in his hands. Behind him was a lady in like her early 60's maybe with a sniper on the table next to where she sits.

"Hello soldiers! My name is Jack Morrison, or better known as Soldier 76 now. Over their is Ana Amari. We are here to get you started on your training until the rest get here." The man stated. He then moved his gazed to Tyler whom was holding a sniper in his right hand.

Jack than pointed towards him, "you in the gray trench coat, what is your name?"

Tyler seemed a tad bit frighten to be called out, but answered anyways in a soft type of tone. "My name is Tyler Scheid, sir."

"Tyler," Jack said while pointing his way towards Ana, "you go with Ana. She'll teach you how to use your sniper. Even if you thought you knew how to snipe, you don't really know until Ana teaches you."

The brunette man the trudged his way towards the lady while flashing her a small smile hoping she would too.

Ana wasn't that happy to be back at the Overwatch base. She wanted to retire and be done with all the fighting, yet she couldn't let her family down. Plus she'll be able to see her daughter, Pharah, again. She saw the 28 year old man make his way towards her, looking a bit tensed. So when Tyler gave her that small smile, Ana send one back to reassure him that she was to be trusted.

"The rest of you come with me and will get started at the shooting range," Jack stated as he waved for the three to follow with Chica trailing with them.

Once they made their way to the shooting range, Jack turned his attention to the newbies.

"Have any of you shot a gun before?" Asking the group.

All of them shook their heads no.

Jack was eyeing over their weapons to see what he had to work with and whom he would pair them up with for training. That's when he lauded his eyes on Mark's gun.

"You, red-haired man," snapping his fingers towards Mark's direction, "what is your name son?"

"My name is Mark, sir," the Korean man said.

The soldier smiled towards him, "you'll be most likely working with since you have same type of gun style as I do. You blue dude," pointing his attention at Ethan, "would be working with Tracer since you have two automatic pistols like her's."

Then lastly looking at Kathryn, "you're gun is a one of kind sort of weapon though looks fairly like Mei's, so I'll pair you up with her."

It was then when Jack noticed the Golden Labrador sat right next to the Mark kid.

"Does the dog have anything special, or is it just here with you guys?" Jack asked unsure if it was made to battle too.

Mark was the only to do most of the talking, so he said, "um yeah, she has some tricks. Before she just barked which caused this type of sound wave that made me go air born."

Morrison had to think for a bit till it clicked in his head, "ah so she kinda has the same power as Lúcio. I see..." he trailed off, "but let's get started shall we?"

Soldier 76 then went on about the basics of shooting a gun while Ana was analyzing Tyler's sniper. She was then a little bit taken back when she saw many similarities between her sniper and his.

"So you have the same type of ammunition as I do. That you are abled to heal people, am I correct?" Ana asked as she looked up to Tyler for an answer.

Tyler was unsure what to say, "I have no idea. I've never used this weapon before."

Ana was a tiny bit skeptical of that answer, but went on examining the gun.

"Well you have the same type of ammo and parts that makes it switch from normal type bullets to healing type bullets," she stated.

Ana then handed him the sniper, "since you said you never used this weapon I'm gonna show you how to use it," guiding him to the shooting range with the rest.

"So you healed that man, Mark, with just your hands?" Mercy asked as she held onto both of Amy's wrists while looking over her palms.

"Yeah, this yellow light shot out of the circle things on my gloves and just healed Mark back to his normal strength," the 22 year old said.

Mercy's smiled stayed genuinely put upon her face, "kind of like how I heal! Except I use my staff over their," which was leaning against one of the nursery's beds, "to heal instead of my gloves."

Mercy then glanced down to see the gun in Amy's holster. "Another plus is not just you having wings so I can teach you how to fly, but you also have the same type of pistol as I do! This is going to be such a blast to work with you and get you trained!" Mercy's got so excited that she started to clap a little bit leaving Amy to giggle.

Meanwhile, the other's of the Overwatch team still making their way to the base.

Soon the day will come when the newly arrived war will finally begin.

Ahhhh a new chapter.

I just want to say that I've been doing a lot of research on the Overwatch story to make sure I get everything correct as much as I humanly can. So I was reading the comics after watching all the animated shorts the the Overwatch's YouTube channel had when I got to Tracer's Christmas comic and I was SHOOK.

Tracer is gay and it's canon!

Knowing that adds something new to story which I just added to the plot.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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