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Hearing the sound of Hannah's voice knowing that she was dead was kind of easy

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Hearing the sound of Hannah's voice knowing that she was dead was kind of easy. It was taking a bit for Stella to get through the tapes. She didn't know that she caused this much pain to one person. She really didn't mean to. She thought that Hannah had ruined her life and she wanted to ruin Hannah's also. But Stella was all wrong.

Stella Carson was not the kind of girl that you'd usually catch working. She was the kind that was spoiled and rich, all she had to do was ask her father for money and he'd say yes. But not anymore. Stella was cut off, after spending 3,000 dollars of her dad's credit card to buy a new dress that she wore to a basketball players house party.

It eventually got ruined and her das found out about the money she had spent. He was so furious with her spending shenanigans that he cut her off.

That's why Stella was working at Crestmont.

It was a popular place to work at and they were basically the only place that was offering her a job at the moment. While Hannah worked the contours and Clay mainly cleaned the bathrooms, Stella would usually work the Ticket Booth. That's exactly where she was working today.

Stella stood at the ticket booth on her phone. Working this job was the easiest, Which is what she thought. She was working a Monday which had to be the least busiest day to work out of the whole weak. Someone had cleared their throat in front of her and she hopped that it wasn't her boss. She shut her phone off and let off a sigh in relief as she saw that it was the boy she met in the hallway last week in school.

"Alex Standall " Stella smiled at him, calling him by his full name.

"Hey Stella Carson" Alex started off, calling her by her full name also. "Can i get two tickets to see The Boy"

Stella wondered if he had brung a date along with him for the night. She wondered how he even got a date so quickly, he seemed like a quite guy. Someone who didn't really speak to people unless they had spoken to him first.

"For you and your date" Stella smiled pulling two tickets out and sliding it over the contour.

"um not a date" Alex smiled Nervously, holding the tickets in his hand. Stella wanted to give him the tickets for free because he was just that cute. But she really couldn't afford to do that kind of shit.

"then what is it" She tilted her head to the side slightly. "20 dollars"

"My dad and i are hanging out" He told her as he slide her the money. Right on Cue a man walked over to Alex, Slapping him on the shoulder. Stella assumed that it was his father.

"Ready to go?" Alex's father asked him as they started to walk away.

"Yes sir" Alex said. Ales looked back at Stella giving her a slight wave and Stella waved back.

Sir? Alex called his father Sir?

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short. Sits basically just a filler chapter and i didn't really know what else to add so...

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