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Stella pushed her lockers closed, She but her lip as she looked around the hallway

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Stella pushed her lockers closed, She but her lip as she looked around the hallway. No one was barely there. It was really early in the morning and her dad had dropped her off instead of her friends.

He dropped her off and picked her up two times a week. Basically ever since the money spending incident it was like she was on probation.

It was exactly how her dad and mom had treated it. Stella sighed and she walked into the lunchroom.

Sometimes when you got their early they'd be selling breakfast. She wasn't going to eat the nasty shit but she was just going to sit there.

She walked into the lunchroom and looked around.

Zach Dempsey had instantly caught her eye and he waved her over to him with the rest of the jocks that he hung out with. It wasn't that she didn't line them or she hated them or anything. It was the fact that Justin Foley was there. Being a jock meant hanging out with the jock and Stella just didn't want to deal with him. She smiled at Zach.

"What's up Stella?" Jeff Atkins said to her giving her a slight nod. Stella always liked Jeff, only just in a friendly way. She thought that he was nice especially out of all the other stupid jocks.

"Jeff" She smiled at him giving him a high five.

"Hey Stella, come to this party i'm having tonight" Zach offered.

At first she wanted to decline the invite to the party because she wanted to stay home and relax from all the work she had been doing.

Stella was a party girl, it was her habit and it was hard to stay away from.

"Sure i'll invite the girls and everything" Stella smiled at Zach. He nodded his head in response. She looked around the room and spotted Alex sitting at a table by himself, reading a book.

Stella looked at him for a moment wondering why Alex was all on his own. She waved off the boys and headed off to where Alex had been asking. It had been a couple of weeks since school had started up and she didn't have any classes with him. This still made her wonder why he hadn't had any friends yet.

"Why are you sitting her on your lonesome" Stella took a seat at the table. Alex placed his book down and looked up at Stella.

Giving her a warm smile.

Stella smiled back at him.

From the conversation that they've had so far, he seemed really nice. His white hair has made her more intrigued with him. She didn't know what it was about him but it made her more interested.

"I'm just waiting for my friends" Alex said.

Stella guessed it was kind of wrong to assume that he didn't have any friends because he was sitting on his own.

As of right on cue, two girls walked over to Alex. One of them she noticed. It was Hannah Baker.

Stella never really payed attention to Hannah, she thought that Hannah was just some dumb girl who allowed herself to get exposed to the whole school. Also, Stella works with Hannah at Clermont. They rarely even talk though they do work together and go to the same school.

But the other girl on the other hand, Stella didn't noticed. Maybe she was new to Liberty high as well.

"That's great.. i just stopped by to say hi" Stella smiled before getting out of her seat and standing up "So hi"

Stella looked back at Alex and his friends, waving at him one last time. She wondered if he'd be attending Zach's party and if his friends would tag along also. Stella didn't really mind his friends she just didn't really know them. Like most people, Stella didn't like the unknown.


"ever since you started working we've barely spent time together" Valentine sighed as they walked over to me, standing by my locker.

Kitty and Aubrey nodded in agreement.

Veronica stood by filing her nail.

"i know, since my dad had cut me off i've had to work a lot" Stella rolled her eyes "It turns out that i actually spend a lot of money"

"you know if you needed money you could've just came to me, we have so much money my dad wouldn't even notice. " Aubrey smiled. Her dad was actually really rich. He owned four hotels and that was just in our city.

"I couldn't do that Aubrey, I'd have to keep asking for money and that isn't right" Stella said, closing her locker.

"Why not? you ask for money from your dad all the time" Valentine asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Sometimes she said the stupidest things and no one ever knew if it was sarcasm or if it was real.

"It's not the same Vale" Stella said trying hard to facepalm.

She didn't like being mean to Vale so she tried not too. Everyone else was mean to her most of the times because of the things that she said.

Stella tried to steer away from that. She wanted to at least be the only friend Vale could trust not to be mean to her.

"You're still coming to my brothers party tonight right?" Kitty asked.

She was worried that if Stella didn't attend the party that she'd start to slip away from the group. Stella had to be one of Kitty's friends out of the group.

It was wrong to have a favorite friend but it was true. Every one of those girls were fucked up. But Stella had to be the least fucked up from them all.

"Of course, i need a break" Stella nodded and smiled at her best friend.

it would be the first time that she's hung out with them since she's gotten a job. Her only day off for the week was tomorrow and if she ended up sick or a big headache she could still try to call off work.

"Great because i need someone to go shopping with" Veronica added in while they walked down the hall. She said that as if she hadn't been listening to the whole conversation at all. But to be honest she probably wasn't.

Veronica didn't really care much about anyone but herself. She cared about her friends of course but not nearly as much as she cared for herself.

"Um sure" Stella answered back. She had enough money saved up since she got the job to go shopping.

It was just hard to spend her own money. She thought it was a lot easier when it was her dads money that she was spending.

But now that she had to spend her own money she barely ever wanted to. She now understood why her father rarely ever went out to by things unless he needed to. She was contemplating on going out in the first place, but going out what be good for her.

It shouldn't be a big deal though because she had a enough money anyways. All Stella has done so far since school started back was attend school and work.

Plus Stella needed to know self control when it came to spending her own money anyways.

"We can go straight after school then?" Veronica asked Stella and she nodded.

"don't be late to class ladies" A teacher walked by, warning the girls.

All the girls rolled their eyes in unison. Just on time the bell had rang signaling that they had to get to class anyways. They said their goodbyes and parted ways.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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