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Aspens POV -

It's been a while since I've spoke to Cameron and i'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But lemme just tell you, moving to LA couldn't have been any better for me considering the position I was in. But i'm starting to miss NJ but i know i'll go visit , but LA just isn't home to me.

Alsooo, i went on a date with a guy but immediately told him it wasn't gonna work out. I just can't get Grayson out of my mind. Although it's been so long it feels as if everything with Grayson was a dream. Which obviously it's not but it just seems like he's already in the past and i don't want him to be.

I was making my way to a little cafe as i receive a text.

cameron dolan : hey ;) thought I should let you know that Ethan woke up! He had forgotten everything at first but I thought you'd like to know that talking about you made him remember :) miss you !!

me : omg !! that's great , i've always had hope that everything would work out ;) miss you too !

Completely taken back by the news i had just received , I ran in the cafe and quickly took a seat.

"can I get you anything ma'am ?" A guy said , which his name tag says 'maycin' so i'm assuming his name is Maycin. That's a cute way to spell it.
"ma'am ?" he speaks again snapping me out of my thoughts.
"oh yes sorry, i'll just take a bagel for right now, thank you." i smiled with my face probably red due to my previous actions.
"sure thing , darling ." he said as he walked off. I smiled at the nickname he gave me.

As I was thinking about Ethan and how happy his family must be , Maycin arrived with my bagel, and a milkshake which is most likely for another customer.
"her ya go my lady, and i decided a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone, so i'm joining you." he smiles to himself at his smooth way of inviting himself.
"that's fine with me" i let out a small laugh. "plus i need a new friend right now, my name is Aspen." I reach out my hand for him to shake. "I'm Maycin, which if you read my name tag, you would already know." he smiles as he shakes my hand.
"yes of course" i laugh.
"so what brings you here by yourself at night?" he asks me seeming genuinely interested.
"I've just had a lot on my mind this past week." his say as I take a bite of my bagel.
"i feel ya girl. My mom and dad just got a divorce." he pauses for a second. "and i know that's not something someone would usually tell a stranger but I feel like this could be a good friendship." I smile at him.
"i'm sorry to hear that, and i guess i could say this, my ex boyfriends brother was in a coma and he's out now and that's a big stress reliever because I was very close with them." I say.
"well i'm happy to hear that." he smiles.
"so tell me Aspen, what brings you to LA. well i'm assuming you're not from here because most people aren't." he laughs.
"well I'm actually from New Jersey and moved here with a close friend for a fresh start. Life was tough in NJ and everything just seemed to be going the wrong way and we needed to get away from all the bad vibes, what about you ?" I ask.
"well I'm from Florida and my dad had to move out here for his job and i guess i just stayed, i love Florida but i don't think i would move back there." he smiles and checks his watch.

"oh shit, excuse my language but i have to go. Gotta get back on the job" he laughs and continues, " but let's exchange numbers yeah?"
"of course." I smiled at him handing him my phone and he hands me his.
"thank you Aspen, see ya around" he winks as he walks off.

I pay and leave a tip and make my way back to the apartment thinking about how good it was to talk to someone who doesn't even know me and just get some things off my chest. It's gonna be a good week.

not much longer than the last one but it's like 300 words longer sooooo that works ;)

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