Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus: The Ultimate Jesus Freaks

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mar.tyr (mär' ter) n.[< from the Greek word for "witness"]

1) One who chooses to suffer death rather than to deny Jesus Christ or His work.

2) One who bears testimony to the truth of what he has seen or heard or knows, as in a witness in a court of justice.

3) One who sacrifices something very important to further the kingdom of God.

4) One who endures severe or constant suffering for their Christian witness.

5) A Jesus Freak.

More than two-thirds of all Christians who died for their faith did so in the last century. Estimates state that more than 100,000 will die this year, and several times that many will be arrested, detained, imprisoned, or harrassed for believing in Jesus.

This book is dedicated to them...

to all those who

refused to

deny Jesus.

Your faith

was not in vain.

Copyright © 1999 by Bethany House Publishers. Used with permission.

Jesus Freaks: Martyrs (by dc talk & The Voice of the Martyrs)Where stories live. Discover now