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p. m pov

all i heard was the breaking of glass on the floor as i hugged my knees and looked outside the window pane.

there was constant screaming coming from outside my room, and i was scared for life. i clutched my phone in my right hand as it was shaking of the fear that could possibly happen to me. my left hand unwrapped the way i had my earbuds wrapped around my phone, and placed the earbuds to their corresponding ear as tears fell from my face. it was the only distraction i had to distract me from my abusive father fighting against my mother, who was a drug addict.

i felt at ease as i let the music persuade me that everything was going to be okay.

the screams grew louder and more breaking of glass was heard, and all i did and the only thing i could do was to wipe away my tears with my hand.

suddenly, there was a vibration felt against my hand, and i was shocked. i unlocked my phone, and saw that i got a text from one of my greatest friends, someone who has been with me since when we were little kids.

his name is chanyeol, and he has a group of friends that they nicknamed "exo" among themselves. the exo group are the dorkiest group of people i've ever met. i was grateful to have them in my life, i don't know who i would be without them.

"chanyeol92" has started a chat!

chanyeol92: mina, how are you? are you okay?

i smiled, even though it wasn't a good time to do so, but it's better to face things off with a smile than to leave it all off in a depressing state. i decided to might as well change his username that it appears as on my phone to at least make my lips form into a smile for one last time, without it being fake.

"chanyeol92"'s nickname has now been changed to "channie~"

minaaa: channie, i'm okay.

minaaa: you don't have to worry about me, leave me alone.

minaaa: i'll be fine.

i crosses my fingers, hoping that chanyeol would believe me and leave me alone so i could face my cruel fate alone. however, just as i expected, he wouldn't, and i knew that as soon as my phone vibrated once again.

channie~: i know that you're not okay

channie~: stop lying to me and please trust me for once

minaaa: what do you mean ?

channie~: look outside your window

i turned my head around and looked down to see chanyeol outside, very far down since it was a two story house. my eyes widened at the sight, since he was supposed to be home for it was around two in the morning.

i opened up the window and started to ignore all the commotion my parents were causing. my weak hands started to get sores from my dumb self not being able to get my palm to the right spot to be able to open it. i hit a painful spot, and saw that i had cut my hand with a piece of glass that was somehow sticking out. blood started dripping from the area, flowing down my arm slowly. i wiped the blood off, but it wouldn't stop running out. i sighed, and pushed the window to the side and looked down at chanyeol. i gave him a sad smile, ignoring the blood that was flowing down my arm.


suddenly, there were loud bangs coming from my door, and now i was even more scared than what i could've been before.

my eyes widened, putting a finger to my lips to show chanyeol as i looked back to my room in horror.

the bangs on the door only got louder.

chanyeol got closer to the walls of the outside part of the house, looking at me with confusion. "what's going on?"

unexpectedly, tears started running down my face and i gripped onto the window.


"channie, i don't know what's going on either."

chanyeol looked up at me confused. "what do you mean?"

suddenly, the door to my room was brought down to punches and it revealed my dad holding a gun in his hands.

"ch-chanyeol-" i stuttered and my dad had a smirk plastered on his face, which made my tears flow down even faster than before.

chanyeol ran more to the right and was able to look at my dad who was ready to pull the trigger at me. his eyes widened as he tried to think of something to do. he shouldn't even waste his time, there is nothing that can be done at this point. why would you even try to find a solution for someone as horrible as me?

"mina, i need you to jump."

i stared at him in shock and kept on waiting for the second where my father would shoot at me, waiting for the pain to come towards the back of my head.

"are you crazy?" i half whispered at him and he shook his head no.

"mina, it's the only way to save your life. i am not going to let you die," he said and held out his arms.


"just do it mina!"

gunshots started going off, but the bullet missed and hit directly next to the window. i knew now that there was nothing i could do but to let myself die.

suddenly, i winced in pain as a bullet violently hit my arm and i looked at the bleeding that it had done. i screamed as loud as i could knowing that this was the final night that i would be alive.


my screams stopped but the tears kept going down, and i couldn't just let chanyeol see this without any sort of explanation. i felt bad, that he had to deal with me who didn't know a single thing about self defense and was utterly weak. i was someone who's fate was to die, and that was why this exact moment existed.

my question is, why does chanyeol even care?

i wouldn't be able to live long enough to find out or hear the answer.

"i'm sorry, chanyeol."

my body violently collapsed as i allowed it to flip itself over to the window, ending all the pain in an instant.

i have determined for myself that it's better to die willingly than to let the cruel man behind the trigger do it for me.

however, i never knew that falling to your death would allow you to land on something soft and have the feeling of running against the wind.


yOOO look who decided to return writing because she's trash !!

tbH this book is probably gonna be equally as trash as i am but apparently if you're reading down here you don't care

you may walk out anytime.

~melanie the tree

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